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I'd been here in for 3 weeks since I'd woken up, I still couldn't really move. Connor hadn't popped in to see me in the entire 3 weeks, Jay come like once a week, twice if I was lucky. I had refused to see the children, I knew no body else so I had no one to speak with.

"Erin?" His voice made me feel alive. He come in with a big smile.

"Hey you.." I smiled. He handed me a hot chocolate and a pack of ginger biscuits.

"How have you been?" He smiled sitting in the armchair next to me and resting his hand on the edge of my bed.

"I'm good. I've been feeling better. I got a little tingle in my toes earlier so I think I'm getting there." I smiled tucking into a few biscuits. "How comes you are here anyway? I haven't seen you in like 3 weeks.."

"Because I've taken this week off so I can be with you."

"Connor you shouldn't of done that. Seriously why?"

"Because Ethan doesn't think it's very professional for me to see you during work time.."

"Ethan? Who's Ethan?"

"Dr Choi." He laughed. "Shall we spend some time going over photos and stuff to try and help you again today?"

"Can do." I smiled as he squeezed my hand.


I got myself dressed and headed towards work, both kids were at school so for once I had a bit of time to think about myself. Just as I got into the car and began my drive I got a phone call.

"Hank I know I'm late but I'm on my way." I sighed.

"It's not that. But all I'm going to say is you can't avoid the conference for ever. Like it's happening right now outside work so you best get yourself prepared for what you are going to say."

"What are they going to ask me?" I laughed thinking he was going to joke around with me.

"It's going to be about Erin waking up because it's up risen even though we tried our best to contain it things like this end up on the news.." He sighed. "Just get here with some honest explanation." Then he hung up and as I got closer to the building I saw the many cars gathered around the entrance to work.

"Oh fuck that.." I just sat in the car for a few moments, I wasn't even sure how to approach it, I got my sunglasses and put them on with my coat before hopping out to the car and heading towards the doors.

"How is Detective Lindsay?" Someone shoved a microphone in my face then Hank and Kim come outside and stood with me.

"Detective Lindsay is okay, she has been awake for 3 weeks, she's up and talking but she is unable to move or feel anything below the abdomen, there will be a official police report released in about 30 minutes. Thank you for your concern."

"Will you be at the conference with Richard Macey's lawyer later?"

"I will be." I sighed before heading inside. Hank finished up outside and Kim followed me into the staff room.

"Jay?" She smiled. "You shouldn't be here. Go to the hopsital and be with Erin. Her surgery date is like 5 weeks away.. she's going to need some support."

"I need to get this conference out the way then I'm going trust me." I smiled. She gave me a quick hug before going out to Adam I watched her as he pulled her into a hug and they were just so cute together and I missed that with Erin.


Connor come in and sat down with me again after getting a box of photos together then he put the TV on.

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