"You are a stubborn git." I laughed. "Is it going to get worse as you get older?"

"It might get worse. Who knows? At least if I become more stubborn I'll finally match you."

"No way in hell will you ever be as stubborn as me you have nothing to worry about darlin." I smiled. He managed a small laugh before I looked down and he looked away. "I'd rather your recovery takes a while longer and you come out of it completely fine than you rush and end up worse"

"Erin leave it. I'm sorting myself out." He sighed.


Kim met me at the waiting room door and she could clearly see how panicky I was.

"Hank I need you to listen to me quickly."

"What's happened? What was the trauma surgeon for?"

"It was Jay. To save his life they had to amputate his leg from just above the knee. He is okay, Erin is okay. They are just looking over the ultrasound and bloods she had and then everything will be good but both of them are okay for now. Erin just needs a shower and a change of clothes but I think she said she's going home tonight for the children anyway." She smiled. I nodded and went in with her. Jay was fast asleep on the bed and Erin had her head on the bed and was holding his hand but was also asleep. I just stood by the door and watched. As I went to leave Jay coughed and I turned.

"You can stay Dad.." He whispered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah of course. It'll be good. Erin needs you." He sighed. I went and sat down on the armchair the other side and he managed to sit up slightly.

"How are you feeling?"

"I mean quite good but of course it is a struggle. I'm in pain and I feel bad because I can't do anything to help Erin."

"Don't you worry about that. I'm going to take her home tonight and make sure she gets settled in with the kids and then I'll bring her back at some point." I smiled.

"Thank you Dad." He smiled shaking my hand.


When I woke up I stretched and Jay was smiling at me. He was taking a sip out of the glass himself even though his hands were shaking.

"I'm proud of you." I smiled.

"You should get going. The kids will be home soon, Dads waiting in reception. Go home, get a shower and tell the kids I'll see them soon and I love them." He smiled at me.

"Well okay I'll see you later then. Love you loads.. goodnight."

"Night my lovely." He smiled as I got up and went out to reception, Hank was sat and as soon as he saw me he stood up. I went over and gave him a quick hug.

"How are you holding up?" He smiled.

"I'm good. Ready to go home and be with my beauties." I laughed as we headed out to the car.


When I got home Kim was sat on the sofa with both the children already out playing in the garden on the decking. I gave her a little hug and spoke to her for a while before they both let me get on with some stuff.

"Kids." I shouted from the kitchen as they both come running in.

"How is Dad?" Florence sighed.

"Yeah he'll be okay. He said he loves you both very much and he'll be home soon." I smiled. "Now what do you guys want for dinner?"


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