"Get an ambulance." I sighed.

"What happened?" He smiled as he dialled the ambulance.

"She had an argument with Jay."

"Jay did this?"

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Hello yes, ambulance please. It's for Detective Erin Lindsay. She's 7 weeks pregnant and has been involved in a domestic." Then he went silent. "No she's not dealing with a case. It's a home domestic." He sighed. "Detective Jay Halsted." Then he hung up.

"So?" I smiled as I lifted Erin's head up as she woke up again.

"Ambulance is on it's way. Trudy and Kevin are going to be there for arrest on arrival."

"We don't know where Jay is though..." I tried dialling his number but there was no answer.

"Well let's focus on Erin for now." He smiled.


I knew I couldn't leave things how they were. I headed back down our road. Our front garden was full of police and paramedics. An ambulance and 2 police cars. I approached the front door when Kevin grabbed me.

"Jay Halstead I am arresting you on the counts of GBH, domestic abuse, domestic violence. You do not have to say anything but anything you do say will be taken in consideration in court." He sighed cuffing me.

"No Kevin come on. You've got this wrong."

"I'm also arresting you on the count of being drunk and disorderly." He shoved me against the car. "Do you know what you've done to the poor girl?"

"She was fine when I left her?" I screamed out.

"Well she's spent the past 3 hours laying around in horrific pain, in her own blood crying and screaming. You're daughter found her about 1 hour ago." He shoved me against the car again. I stood there and watched as 4 paramedics bought out the bed. Erin was strapped to it under the blanket, blood was already soaking through the sheets covering her. Kim was by her side and Adam was putting the children into his car before he drove off with the lights and sirens on. Kim got on the ambulance with her as they all drove off.

"Can't I see my own wife?"

"Jay you are being arrested." He sighed shoving me into the car. Trudy was driving. Kevin sat in the back with me. I rested my head against the window and cried. What on earth had I done?

"Will you give me updates about Erin?"

"I will when we hear anything. Kim's with her."

"Where am I being taken?"

"To the district to be questioned. I'd keep your mouth shut when we go in because when Hank comes back from the scene he's going to kill you." Atwater sighed as he checked his phone.


Kim's point of view.

Even the ambulance journey was tough and go.

"Come on Erin." I smiled. "You've got this. Be strong. Think of the baby and the children." I squeezed her hand. She just mumbled and hummed something. She was like broken completely. I kept squeezing her hand and then she went floppy and her machine went absolutely mental. The paramedic got up and was messing around with all the machines.

"Is she okay?"

"I mean she's dropping in vitals. She needs to be in hospital to get better. Once she's in hopsital she'll be okay. We just need to get her into a bed and on ICU maternity ward because this bleeding is not good. I can't tell if she's having a miscarriage or just the trauma has caused bleeding."

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