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After we went upstairs, Lexi and I laid together until she eventually fell asleep. Me on the other hand couldn't go to sleep. I was too excited about later. About five minutes after Lexi fell asleep, Dwayne started crying...again. I didn't want him to wake Lexi so I immediately got up and brought him downstairs. "Wassup lil man?" All he did was yawn, which made me smile. He's just the cutest and I'm proud that he's all mine- well, mine and Lexi's, but you get what I mean. This was just a picture perfect moment that I couldn't let go by without me capturing it. I got my phone out and took a picture of him and posted it with the caption "got Minnie Me w/ me ;)." Like all my pictures, it instantly got hundreds of likes and comments which turned into thousands. One comment that got my attention was some girl with the username diggysbabymama saying "that should've been our baby, not Alex's!" I couldn't help but laugh at it. Like always when I put up pictures Lexi related, there were some hate comments. Others just congratulated us. Then I noticed another comment that put a smile on my face. It was Perry. "Unclepwater: #Saycheese! Proud of you boi!" I replied saying "thanks Uncle P! Boutta be turnt later! 😝." Another comment I saw was from Spin. "AYYYYYE TURN UP ONE TIME FO DA ONE TIME! MA NIGGA GENES STRONG!" I chuckled as I read his. I replied "lmaoo! Already know my dude!" I then felt a pull on my chains. "Nuh-uh, none of that, D." I looked down at him tugging on my chain. For a baby, he was pretty strong. I managed to get the chain out of his hand and immediately shoved them in my shirt when I realized he was reaching for the other one. "You hungry?" I watched him just stretch a little and yawn again. "Well, mommy's sleeping so I guess you gotta get the bottle this time." We went to the kitchen and I got the bottle fixed and headed back to the couch. I put the bib around him and put the bottle to his mouth. He didn't take it right away. He didn't even open his mouth. "You're not used to this are you?" Dwayne's gotten fed with a bottle before, but most of the time, Lexi breast fed him. "I promise it'll be just as good...I think." This isn't the first time he refused his bottle. I thought that he wasn't hungry the last time, but then Lexi worked her magic and we realized that it wasn't the bottle he wanted. But how does he even know the difference? I feel like imma have to compete with my own son now lmao. After a few more tries, he finally took it. "See, it's not that bad, now is it?" Just then, my phone rang. Spin's name came up on the screen. I'll call him back later. Right now, I'm attending to my son.

*After feeding Dwayne*

"Yo, wassup?" "what up, broski?! How's the baby," Spin asked. I looked down at Dwayne before replying. "He's perfect." "Bring him over! I wanna see my nephew!" "Ummm, I'm bonding with my son! You'll see him later!" "Nigga, you had him for what? 5 days now? You had enough bonding time for now. I haven't seen him in a while." "& who's fault is that, Spin?!" "I was away for business! You know that. Besides, you & Lexi gotta get ready right?!" I thought about that. He's right. His laugh snapped me out of my thoughts. "Aight, I'll bring him over." "Aight then." We both hung up.

*Spin's House*

I just got done telling him about feeding Dwayne with a bottle instead of him being breast fed. "Damnnnn, looks like the you gon be competing with your son for her." We both laughed. "Sonnn! I knowww!" Spin was holding Dwayne now. He's in great hands. "Imma go get ready and wake up Lexi." "Aight man. See y'all later!" I kissed my son and headed out.

*Lexi's house*

After showering, changing, & doing whatever needed to be done, I went back to Lexi's house to wake her up to get ready too. When I got to her room, I saw her still laying there, knocked out. I laid beside her. With her back still turned towards me, I put my arm around her and kissed her shoulder. "Lexi?" No answer. "Lexiii." I kissed her again. "Wake up, baby." She moved a little but never opened her eyes. "Mmm," she mumbled. "Lexi, c'mon, baby, wake up." "Ughh, whaaaat?" Everyone who knows her, knows to never wake her up if she hasn't gotten enough rest, which she hasn't, really. I kissed her again. "Turn around." "Whyyy? What do you want? I just wanna sleep." I just started laughing at how grumpy she can be when she's tired, but she's still sexy when she's mad though. "Baby, please get up. You gotta get ready." She didn't say anything. "Lexi, c'mon." "...get ready for what?" "What I told you I had planned." "...oh, right." She finally turned over. "You're so grumpy when you're tired," I said laughing. "& you're annoying when I'm tired." She kissed my lips, them got up. "Don't ever wake me up ever again," she yelled from the bathroom. "Then maybe you should get up on time." She poked her head out and stared at me with the toothbrush in her mouth and her eyebrows raised. She shook her head, then went back in the bathroom. "This man has lost his mind. Lord, help me not to hurt him," she said after spitting out the toothpaste. When she was done, she walked out of the bathroom. "So, I was thinking about wearing this sparky gold dress with the those Christian Louboutin black heels," she said pointing to the heels. "Or should I got with the red dress with the-" "no, I love the gold. It's...different. I love it." She smiled. "Thanks. Okay, imma go take a quick shower! I'll be back." She ran in the bathroom and I put my head back down. Why do women take so long to get ready?

*after her shower*

Lexi finally came out and did all she needed to do before getting dressed. "Digg?" "Mhm?" "Did you put Dwayne in the nursery?" I forgot to tell her that he's with Spin. "Oh, no, he's with Spin." She turned to face me. "Spin's here?" I shook my head. "Nah, he wanted Dwayne and we had to get ready, so I brought him over there." She smiled. "Awww, they're bonding." She went back to getting dressed. Time to time, I'd look at her, but then look away. I felt like I was going crazy. I just wanna pick her up, put her on the bed and just make love to her, but I can't. She just had the baby so she needs a little more time before I can do that. I admired her body once more before letting out a big sigh. She looked over at me. "What is it," she asked. I looked her up and down. "I want you so bad right now." "...I should've gotten dressed somewhere else." She was picking up some stuff to leave. "I'll just-" "no, no, you stay. I'll go. I'll be downstairs, okay?" She nodded, then wrapped her towel around her again and walked over to me. "I want you too, believe me. But it'll happen soon." I nodded, then kissed her. "I hope it's not my version of soon," I replied. She just laughed. "I hope not either!" With that, I stepped out.

*30 minutes later*

*click clack, click clack* I looked up as soon as I heard Lexi's heels. She was walking downstairs looking so beautiful, like always. I stood up and walked over to the staircase. When she got to the second to last step, I extended my hand and she took it, continuing to walk down the stairs. When she finally made it down, I kissed her hand. "You look so beautiful." She blushed. "Thank you. You look amazing yourself." I thanked her and escorted her out to the car, opened and closed the door for her and we were on our way. "Can I at least know where we're going," she asked. I smiled and said "we're going to a nice place. That's all I'm gonna tell you." I rented this beautiful venue for a surprise party for Lexi and Dwayne. Like a welcome home party.

We pulled up to the venue and Lexi already had another question. "Are you taking me out on a date?" I smiled. "Mmm noo, not exactly." I got out and went to open her door and helped her out. "Thank you." "My pleasure." After locking the car, I took her hand and we walked in. I went over to the guy at the desk, gave him my name, and we were on our way to the very top of this tall building. As soon as we got out if the elevator, I covered Lexi's eyes and lead her to where everyone was. I removed my hands and..."SURPRIIIIISE!" I had everyone here for her. My family, her family, all our friends...everyone. She immediately covered her mouth. The next thing I noticed was the banner above where they were standing. It wasn't the one I chose. The one I chose had "Welcome back Lexi" on it. This one had "Congratulations Lexi and Diggy" on it. "I see you lookin at the banner," Trevor yelled. "Don't worry, the one you wanted is still put up, but we put this one here because even though you wanted this party to be just for Lexi, we all decided to do something special for the both of you!" I smiled. "So it's a party for both of you now," Zendaya joined. "Thanks y'all. This is amazing. You did a great job." That explains why they insisted that I didn't help with anything. "That's why we didn't want you to help," Serina said. "Well, thank you so much. It's really great." Lexi was still speechless. I put my arm around her. "You okay?" "...I-I don't know what to sayyy." She wiped her tears. "I love you all so much. This means so much to me, honestly. I have no words right now, but trust me, I love it!" All they said was "awwww!" Spin walked over with Dwayne. "I just wanna say that I love y'all very much and I'm oh so proud of you." We thanked him. Lexi was reaching for Dwayne, but Spin backed up. "Nuh-uhhh he's mine for the night!" Everyone laughed. "Y'all just enjoy each other while I enjoy my nephew!" Then he walked away smiling. The party started and Lexi turned to face me. "Thank you." "Anything for you." Tears welled up in her eyes. "I love you so much, Daniel." I wiped her tears. "I love you too, baby." We kissed and heard more awww's, but didn't end the kiss. We're just so happy right now. I couldn't have asked for anything better. My life is amazing!

Coming to an end soon!

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