Ready Or Not Here He Comes

505 17 7

Diggy P.O.V

"I think my water just broke" was all that replayed in my mind. I can't believe this! My baby's coming now?! Right now?! Crap! Am I even father material?! How are we gonna do this?! Are we ready?! I know I'm not! What the hell is oxygen? Cuz I swear I just ran out! I can't even breathe! "Shit, shit, shit! What are we gonna do?! How are we gonna...when are we gonna...are you..." I couldn't even speak either. What the hell is life right now? "Diggy..." "What to do?! What to do?! Holy shit, I can't breathe!" "Diggy," Lexi yelled again. "What?!" "Calm down!" I noticed that she was a lot calmer now than she was two minutes ago. "Calm down?! Calm down?! How the hell can I calm down?! You're about to have a baby! My baby! I'm not ready Lexi! I'm...I'm...nervous! What if I mess up?! Then I screw my kids life up & then what?! I'm not ready Lexi! I'm not ready." She just started laughing. "Diggy, relax. Just breathe. Ready or not, here he comes." She was handling this better than I was. Usually, during these nine months, it's been the other way around. "Shit, what do we do?" "Well, we go to the hospital, Digg." That's when I realized we were still in the same spot. "Oh! Yeah, right. I'm sorry, I'm just panicking right now." I finally got myself together and helped her up. "You really gotta chill. It was just the first contraction. I just hope we're at least close to the hospital when the next one comes." "The next one? Oh damn! Wtf are we gonna do when that happens?!" She gave me this puzzled look, then placed her hands on my shoulders. "Diggy, listen to me. I'm gonna need you to calm tf down and act like you know what's going on, okay?" I just asked the dumbest question. What do we do when that happens? Really Digg? Really? She's right, I need to calm down and get my shit together. "Just do what I do," she said. She took a deep breath and I did the same. Then let it all out. "Can we go now? Are you okay?" I nodded. "Yeah, yeah I'm good. Let's go." "Yo, you sure you okay to drive," Spin asked. I didn't even notice until now, but he's been standing by me this whole time I was going crazy. "Yeah, I'm fine...I'll be fine," I replied. I looked over at Lexi again and took her hand. "You ready," I asked. She took a deep breathe. "As ready as I'll ever be." We smiled at each other and headed to the car. Then I noticed that a car was coming towards car. Who in the hell is in my car? "What the hell?" That's when I saw Trevor step out. "Got you," he yelled. "How the hell did you get in my car," I asked. "Lexi gave me the keys while you were throwing a tantrum. I rushed to get it so get your ass in and drive her to the hospital!" "Right! Thanks bruh!" "No prob!" I helped Lexi in and as I ran to my side, I yelled to them "alright y'all. We're about to have a baby!" They all cheered, and some of the girls were crying. "We'll meet y'all at the hospital," Spin yelled. "See you there!" Then, we were on our way.

~On their way to the hospital~

"Lexi?" "Yeah?" "How did you get my car keys?" "Oh, it fell out when you started pacing like a dog chasing it's tail," she said laughing. "I just happened to catch it before it fell." "Oh, okay. Again, sorry I just stood there like this wasn't an emergency. I'm just-" "it's okay. You're nervous," she replied. "And you aren't?" "No, I am. I just know how to stay calm." We both laughed together. She's just so amazing.

*5 minutes later*

"Crap!" We're so close to the hospital and paparazzi wants to show up now? Really?! They blocked the way so we couldn't get by. No one could, actually. "Damn it!" I looked over at Lexi to make sure she was okay, when I noticed her clenching her fist. "You okay, Lexi?" She put her head back and shut her eyes. I noticed a tear drop roll down her face. "It hurts so bad, Diggy." Shit, I was hoping we would be at the hospital by the next contraction. I was about to reverse when I saw two cars, no make that three, one just turned in. So we're trapped. How wonderful. I looked back once again when and noticed that those cars weren't just any cars, they were our friends. Spin, Trevor and Jason ran out of one and headed towards the paparazzi, yelling and cursing them out. Then one of the cars behind me passed me and went straight for the crowd. "It's Zendaya," Lexi said. They didn't move when Z approached them, so she drove even closer as if she was about to run them over. A few of them fell and the others ran. No, the ones who fell weren't hit. After she cleared the area a little, I drove passed her, honked the horn, and we were on our way again. "We're almost there baby girl, just a five minutes." She wiped her tears, but kept her head back. I took her hand, kissed it, and she held on to mine tighter. I wish I could just take the pain away. It'll all be over soon, but it'll be worth it.

*At The Hospital*

As soon as we got in, they took Lexi right away. She's been crying and yelling since we were in the car. We're in a room now and her screams haven't stopped. Is this normal? Is it supposed to hurt that much for this long? "Diggyyyy!" I remained by her side the entire time. "I'm right here sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying by you every step of the way baby girl." "It hurts!" "I know, I wish I could take the pain away, but I'll be over soon, okay?" The crew was out in the waiting room. They said not to crowd her so only the father of the baby and just one other person could be in the room. A few of them have been in here already. Their love and support is very much appreciated.

*2 hours later*
We've been here for two hours now, and there's still no baby. The good news is, Lexi stopped crying. She actually fell asleep. I stayed there in the seat beside her and held her hand. She's so strong. Women go through so much and they can be taken for granted sometimes. I didn't know what I had until I lost her. Now we're about to have a baby and he's gonna need both of us. I hope that we can get back together. I continued to rub her hand with my thumb until I noticed her breathing harder and she squeezed my hand a little tighter. "Mmm." She woke up and started crying again. Why the hell does it hurt so much? "You want me to get the doctor?" She nodded. I rushed to the door and brought the doctor back. "Still in pain," she asked. Well, obviously! Lexi just laid there giving her the straight face after she asked that question. I had to try to keep my laugh in. Her facial expression was too funny. "Okay, well let me see how many inches you've dilated." Before she could check, Lexi started crying even more. "UGHHHHHH! GET HIM OUT! GET HIM OUT NOW!" "Okay, I think we should bring you to the delivery room right away."

*in the delivery room*
"1, 2, 3 PUSH," they yelled. This is it. She's finally pushing him out. I swear she was tryna break my hand. "DIGGY I CAN'T," she yelled. "Yes you can baby. Just a few more pushes." "The head's not even out yet," she yelled again. I looked to see if anything was out yet, but nothing was. That was such a scary sight lol but a beautiful baby's about to come out if that so it's...okay. "Well I see the top of his head," I said kissing her hand. "Just keep pushing and breathe. You can do this." I noticed that her grip wasn't as tight as before, and her head was rested on the pillow again. "I can't do this," she said barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry, I can't." I looked at back and forth between her and the doctor. "What's happening?!" No one said a damn thing. I looked back at Lexi whose hand was slipping from mine. "Lexi..." "I-" her eyes started to roll back, but she managed to finish with "love you." "Lexi don't do this. Please don't-" her eyes rolled back and shut. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" One of the nurses rushed over to me. "There's some complications. We're gonna need you to step out for a minute." "If you think I'm leaving her, you're out if your damn mind! Get the hell off of me!" I looked at Lexi again. She was just laying there motionless. There was still a pulse though so that's good. But I'm still worried. "Mr. Simmons," I heard the doctor say. I looked over at her and she spoke again. "I'm afraid I have some bad news. I'm sorry, but we can only save one." "You- YOU CAN ONLY WHAT?! No you're gonna do everything and anything to save them both! What the hell do you mean you can only-" the nurse came over to me again. "Listen! If you're gonna stay in here you're gonna have to keep your voice down & keep calm!" "Don't fucking tell me what to-" "MR. SIMMONS," the doctor yelled. "WHAT?!" "The decision is yours! The baby, or your girlfriend?" I stared at her, then at Lexi. What do I do?

What do you think he should do? Save Lexi, or the baby? Why? OMG I hate packing so much! We've been shopping for weeks now and packing and it's all just so annoying lol but I'm leaving for Jamaica in two days for two weeks! :) but tell me who you think he should save though! :)

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