Ready Or Not

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"I-I don't kn- I don't know," I managed to say. "I don't know what to do." The tears rushed down my face as I stood there helplessly in that room. "Okay, well until you decide, we'll try our best but we're gonna need you to step out for a minute." I stood there staring at Lexi. I can't lose her. I can't lose either of them. I kissed her cheek and slowly backed out. As soon as I walked into the waiting area, I was surrounded by friends and family. I explained to them what happened and broke down again. "I just don't know what to do." "Let's pray," my dad said. We all bowed our heads and he prayed for strength and guidance and for both Lexi and the baby to be okay. I felt so weak and so helpless. I was just out of it. I think I know what I need to do. I got up and headed back to the room. When I got there, not much changed. They were still in there rushing. The doctor noticed me standing outside looking in and motioned for me to come in. I did just that. "Any changes," I asked. "Well, she did undergo a lot of stress. That's the main reason for the complications. But, the baby will be fine." I just noticed that they cut Lexi open. "We had to do a C-Section to get him out faster. That was the only way. Well, the best way." I nodded. "So, what does that mean for Lexi," I asked. "We're not sure. She's not responding to anything. She's drained and like I said earlier, she's very stressed. It's completely understandable with the life she's living, but sometimes it's okay to just slow down for your own good," she said. "Okay, but do you think she'll make it?" She shook her head. "I don't know yet. I wish I could give you an answer and I wish it was something you'd wanna hear, but to be honest, it doesn't look good for her." I had my back against the wall with my face buried in my hands when all of a sudden, I heard crying. That's him. That's my son. I looked up and saw the doctor pulling him out of Lexi and even though he was covered in things I'm gonna pretend I don't see, he was still perfect. Oh my gosh, that's my son. I walked over to them as they cleaned him up and I couldn't help but start crying. He's just so small. We made him and I'm praying that we can raise him. The doctor handed him to me and rushed back to Lexi. My eyes went from my son, to Lexi from time to time. Dear God please make her be okay.

I know that was short, but I wanna leave you in suspense a little more lol. Oops! I'm ending this soon btw!

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