Chapter 107

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"So, you did a paternity test yet," Jason asked as he stopped at the red light. "Ughh nooo," I said letting out a big sigh. "I wasn't even thinking about that today...or him," I replied. "Sorry I brought it up when I tried to take your mind off of things. But we're close to the hospital. You wanna get this over with," he asked staring at me with concern. "Umm...yeah...sure," I replied. The light turned green and before taking his eyes off me, he nodded, then he drove off.

15 minutes later, we were at the hospital. I was actually nervous. This is the first step to finding out who the father of my baby is. I can't believe I actually have to do this.

After waiting in the waiting room for about 10 minutes, the doctor finally called me. "Do you need me to come with you," Jason asked. "Uhh no I got this. Thanks J," I said getting up. "Hello Ms. Ventura. It's nice to see you again," he said. "It's nice seeing you again too," I replied with a fake smile. There was nothing to smile about. My world basically crashed and now I'm here because I don't know who the father of my baby is. If there was something to be happy about, besides the fact that I'm carrying a mini me inside of me, I must have missed it. "So what can I do for you," she asked. "Um, I...need a...paternity test," I said. She looked at me a bit confused, but replied. "Okay," she said. "I'll be back."

I sat there on the bed waiting for her to come back. With everything that's been happening, I haven't really had time to think clearly. Well, I'm in a quiet room, by myself, actually thinking about this whole situation. So I've been gone for four months. Ever since I got back, Digg and I have been doing it a lot right? Right. So obviously, I could've gotten knocked up by him. That would be great. Now, Chris...he said that he "did what he pleased" with me while I was unconscious shortly after the bomb. Right? His story is a bit sketchy. I haven't had the chance to think about it like this because my mind has been all over the place. Wait a minute!!!! It's starting to make sense! If Chris raped me a few months ago, and I got pregnant with his child, wouldn't I have seen the signs months ago? Wouldn't I at least feel something different with my body? Yeah, I was a bit weak when I first woke up, but that was it. My stomach hasn't even gotten a little bigger, not even an inch. The first time I started feeling uneasy was the day I found out I was pregnant. I think I've already come to a conclusion. But I'll still take the test just to have proof for Diggy. Yup, I actually need the proof for him. Oh my gosh! I finally figured this out. As I thought about this, the doctor walked back in. "Okay, I'm ba- what are you smiling at," she asked smiling at me. I honestly didn't even realize I was smiling until she pointed it out. "Oh, um...I was just thinking about being a mother. I know I'm young, but I already love this baby with everything in me. I know we'll be just fine," I said rubbing my stomach while the smile got even bigger. "That's so sweet," she said with a smile. "I remember the last time you were here with your boyfriend, you were unsure if you wanted to keep the baby or not. I'm so happy that you chose to keep your baby. You won't regret it, I promise. I have three kids and not only do they brighten up my day, but they've brightened up my life." "That's really sweet," I said to her. "Okay, so are you ready for this," she asked. "Yes ma'am. I'm ready."

@ least 8 comments! Too tired to continue or edit right now. Sorry x_x

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