Love or Fame ~ Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

*an hour later*

*Lexi's P.O.V*

I was sitting with Diggy and his family in the waiting room. Spin came too. Since the last time Diggy got upset with me, it happened again. It's like every little thing upsets him. I gave him his space after the last time. That time he got upset because I took a picture with a fan. He said that even though his brother was shot, I used that as another opportunity for paparazzi to come to me. This time I wasn't gonna let that one slide. I only took a picture with one fan. She was about 6 and in a wheelchair. He's not thinking clearly. I get that. But that time he was just wrong.

I was standing alone by the vending machine. I figured that it would be best if I just kept my distance since almost everything I did or said got him upset.

?: hey

Me: hey Russy

R: what's up?

Me: nothing. Just thinking. How are you though?

R: *shrugs* hangin in there. So why are you over here and not with Diggy?

Me: well...I think he just needs his space. Everything I say gets him upset so I just don't really wanna be with him if I'm just gonna upset him.

R: oh. Listen, I know that my brother really cares about you. He wouldn't do anything to make you feel like he doesn't appreciate you. He really does need you here with him. He's just mad at the world right now. Can you blame him? But I appreciate you being here for him. Thank you.

Me: well I'm here for all of you.

R: and we appreciate that.

Diggy kept pacing and I just wanted to hold him. I wasn't even sure if that was a good idea the way he was acting.

Russy: look at him. He really needs you. I know you're kinda scared to even talk to him, but he needs you.

Me:...*sigh* okay. I'll go over there but if he says something that gets me upset again, I'm leaving.

Russy: okay

I walked over to Diggy.

Me: hey

D: hey

I just didn't know what to say to him.

Me: um...I just came over to see if you were okay. We'll obviously, you're not okay. Do you need anything?

D: nah I'm good. Thanks.

Me: just give you your space okay? I don't know what else to say to you and I don't wanna get you upset so I'll be sitting over there okay? *turns to walk away*

D: *grabs my arm* hold up.

Me: ...what's up?

D: I'm sorry for what I said to you about taking pictures with your fans. I'm just so mad right now, I'm saying things that I don't even mean. I'm so sorry. I love what you did for that little girl. You put a smile on her face like you do with everyone else everyday. I was wrong. I'm actually surprised that you haven't left yet. I haven't been the nicest person to be around tonight.

Me: not at all...but it's okay I understand.

D: no it's not. Stop being so nice. No matter how upset I am, I have no right to talk to you like that. *sigh/hugs me* we've been here all night. You tired?

Me: a little

D: you want me to take you home?

Me: no I told you I wasn't leaving you

D: I'll stay with you for a while and come back.

Justine came in the conversation.

J: Daniel, if you're tired you can go. I'll keep you updated. I can see that you're really tired. It's okay.

D: are you sure?

J: yes sweetie. *hugs/kisses him* I love you

D: I love you too

J: Alex, hun, thank you so much for being here.

Me: you're welcome. I know he'll be okay

J: I know sweetie *hugs me* goodnight

Me: goodnight

After saying goodnight to his family, Diggy and I walked out. I heard someone call my name.

?: Lexi!

I turned around to see who it was. When I saw him I saw so surprised.

Me: OMG! *hugs him* Christian!!!

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