Love or Fame ~ Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

*Jason's P.O.V*

~w/ Lexi sitting on the couch talking~

Me: so, we've been dating for a week now

A: yup :)

Me: honestly, I've never been happier w/ any other girl. I'm so happy that you said yes that night I asked you out. You make me laugh everyday. You just brighten up my day.

A: :) I'm happy I said yes too. You make me happy too. You helped me move passed the pain I felt a while ago and I'm so grateful for that. Thank you. *kisses me*

Me: my pleasure. I've known you for a while now and I've always had feelings for you. Now we're finally together. What I'm about to say, I've never said to any of the girls I dated. *takes her hand* Lexi, I love you. And I've felt this way for - *gets a text* hold on, I'm sorry. *checks phone*

I checked the text I got. It was a picture w/ the caption "trust no one." The picture was Lexi and Diggy kissing.

Me: what the hell?

A: what?

Me: where were you today? Tell me the truth this time!

A: I was w/ Z and Serina shopping for Z's date w/ Roger. I told you that. What do you mean by "tell me the truth this time"?

Me: you lied to me!

A: no I didn't! Why don't you believe me? J, if you don't believe me, you can call Zendaya. Well, not her, she's on a date but you can call Serina if you want!

Me: ok so should I call Diggy too?


Me: you were w/ him today!

A: I mean, I saw him today but it was a coincidence. We were at the same place at the same time.

Me: a coincidence? Was it a coincidence that you kissed too?! What happened? Your tongues were goin in the same direction Lexi?! *sigh* you're not over him...are you? did you know about the kiss?

Me: does it matter?!

A: yes it does! He kissed me okay? I pushed him away as soon as he did it! I wouldn't hurt you Jason, you know that.

Me: I'm not so sure anymore. Now answer my question. Do you still have feelings for him? Honestly?

A: ...Jason

Me: you do don't you?

A: no

Me: you're lying!

A: *cries* no I'm not. Jason I'm with you! If I wanted someone else I wouldn't be with you!

Me: you would if they didn't want you back.

A: ...

Me: you just wanted to be friends with me. You were so captivated by Diggy and you wanted him until he said he didn't want you! I was so stupid to believe you actually about me! I'm just your second choice.

A: I do care about you!

Me: do you love me?

A: yes

Me: but not in the same way right?'ve loved me since your crush started. You were "in love" w/ me. I've loved you since before we started dating but as a friend. We just started dating for a week now so do I love you? Yes. Am I in love w/ you? *sigh* I'm just not there yet. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But you know that I do love you.

Me:...& you know how much I wish that was enough. *wipes her tears* bye Lexi. *kisses her cheek then walks out*

I knew she wasn't over him I was just hoping that I would be able to change that. I wanted her to love me more than just a friend but I guess the heart wants what the heart wants. Lexi's heart wants Diggy, not me. I really want her to be happy. I just hope she doesn't get hurt by him again.

*Alex's P.O.V*

I was upset. At who? I don't even know. I don't know who sent him the picture. Was it one of Diggy's friends? I wish I knew. I was also mad at myself for hurting Jason. It wasn't intentional. I didn't kiss Diggy back but the fact that Jason loves me and I don't love him the same way. Why? He's a great guy. I've known him for a while, longer than I've known Diggy. I didn't know what to do. I drove to Diggy's house to talk to him about this.

*at Diggy's house*

~Ring's bell~

He opened the door.

Diggy: hey Lexi. I didn't expect *stops talking* what's wrong? Why are crying?

Me: we need to talk. *walks in* Diggy do you know how *stops talking*

When I walked in, I saw Diggy's mom sitting on the couch.

Diggy: this is my mom. I'm sure you already know that though. Ma this is Lexi. The girl I've been telling you about.

Me: *looks up at him* the girl you've been talking about?

Diggy: *smiles* yeah

MJ(Miss Justine): all wonderful things *smiles* it's great to finally meet you.

Me: *smiles* it's great to finally meet you too. I'm sorry I look like a mess right now, I'm just -GCO-

MJ: no it's fine. It's obvious that you're really upset about something and that's why you're here, to talk to Diggy.

Me: yeah but I'll just talk to him later. I'm sorry I interrupted your bonding moment.

MJ: it's fine sweetie. You can talk to him I have to make a call anyway. I'll be upstairs okay? *walks upstairs*

D: okay *looks @ me* so what's wrong?

Me: do you know how Jason got a picture of us kissing?

D: no

Me: well he got a picture and now we're over.

D: I'm sorry Lexi

Me: are you really?

D: well I know that you were happy w/ him & you care about him. I can talk to him if you want. Tell him I kissed you and you pulled away.

Me: I told him everything already. There's really nothing you can do now. *wipes tears* anyway, tell your mom that I apologize again for interrupting. Goodnight Diggy *walks out*

I went out for a drive to try to clear my mind. I have to make things right with Jason. Even if he doesn't take me back I just wanna make sure that we can still be great friends.

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