Love or Fame ~ Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Me: Um... yeah. I'd like that.

J: Wait. What? Did I miss something? I was expecting a no.

Me: Oh.. um... He.. doesnt want me.

J: Well Lex he's stupid. Okay? Anybody would be lucky to have you.

Me: *smiles* thanks Jason. I needed to hear that.

J: You're welcome. So i'll pick you up tomorrow? at 7?

Me: That's fine.

J: alright. Goodnight beautiful .

Me: *blushes* Goodnight Jason

J: *hangs up*

K & Z: Soooooo

Me: What ?

K: What was that all about?

Z: Yeah, you blushed!!

Me: It was nothing.. He just asked me on a date an-

K: He asked you on a date?!

Z: You said yeah right ?!

Me: Yurppp. I have a date tomorrow *smiles*

Z&K : Awwww

Me: yeah

I went on twitter just to tweet my fans. When I logged on, I saw nothing but hate from Diggy's fans.

They made a few threats as well.

Me: wow

Serina: what?

Me: Diggy's fans are threatening to kill me if I stay with Diggy. Some calling me names. *laughs*

K: why are you laughing?

Me: I'm laughing at the irrelevance and the attempt to try and scare me.

I texted Diggy.

Me: handle your fans Diggy

Diggy: what?

Me: they're threatening me

Diggy: what they say?

I screenshot what they were saying and sent it to Diggy. Then he tweeted.


Diggy: JetSetters, I know y'all upset right now because y'all saw the video but stop threatening Alex please! There's nothing going on between us! I know we kissed but we're just friends! That's all y'all need to know right now. Thank you.

Of course, that didn't stop them. One of them replied to Diggy's tweet saying "I thought we had something special Diggy! Now you gonna cheat on me w/ THAT? Downgraded!!!"

I really just wanted to reply but I decided not to let their pettiness get to me.

*text from Diggy*

D: now you understand why I don't want us to be together?

Me: yeah I do. I always understood that. I just wish you'd understand that your fans don't run your life and they can't tell you who to be with. I could handle that. We could've gotten though it together Diggy! But don't worry, there won't be a "Diggy & Alex" so this "silly relationship" as you call it, will never start so...bye Diggy.

Then I just shut my phone off.

Me: I'm goin to bed girls. You're welcome to stay if you want. You know where all the bedrooms are.

Girls: thanks

Me: anytime

*Diggy's P.O.V*

~The Next Day~

-Interview w/ The Breakfast Club-

They asked me about the tour, music, movies I'm gonna be in and other questions about my career. Now the interview's almost over, and they asked me about the kiss.

Angela Yee: so there's a video of you kissing Alex

Me: mhm

A: is there something goin on between y'all?

Me: no we're just friends

Charlamagne: just friends? You kiss a girl like that and you're just friends? I'm sorry but I just don't believe that.

DJ Envy: if you're just friends, why'd you kiss her then?

Me: was a bet

A: a bet?! You made a bet?! Was it like you and your friends making a bet that you couldn't kiss her?

Me: no, no, nothing like that. I wouldn't do that to her or anyone. We made a bet with Spin and if we lost, we had to kiss.

Charlamagne: I still don't believe that.

A: me either. I mean, a pretty girl like Alex, a handsome guy like yourself, kiss because of a bet?

Me: well we're just friends. That's all we'll ever be. I don't like her like that. Yeah, she's pretty but we're just friends.

A: okay. Well thank you for coming Diggy.

Me: thank you for having me.

~End Of Interview~

*Alex P.O.V*

After hearing Diggy LIE in his interview, I was officially sick & tired of him. He put me through a lot by lying to me. If he didn't feel the same, he should've just said that.

*Calls Diggy*

Diggy: hello?

Me: it was a bet? Really Diggy?

D: *sigh* Lexi, I'm sorry but -GCO-

Me: you know what Diggy? Forget it. Let's just forget that I even told you how I felt about you okay? Forget about the kiss. Honestly, I just wanna forget that we even met. So bet on this, I'm never calling you again. I never wanna talk to you, hear you, or see you ever again okay? Bye Diggy.

There were tears falling from my eyes as I said that.

Diggy: Lexi wait, don't hang up!

Me: Diggy, I have nothing left to say to you & I'm tired of being lied to.

Diggy: I never lied to you Lexi! I do like you I just-GCO-

Me: yeah, I get it. You don't wanna be with me

Diggy: I didn't say that I don't "wanna" be with you

Me: *laugh* so what did you say then?!

Diggy: I "can't" be w/ you.

Me: you said that you wanna be just friends. Which is the same as you don't wanna be with me. Right?


Lexi: bye Diggy *hangs up*

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