Chapter 97

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Two days passed since I've been released from the hospital. I was still unsure about what I was gonna do but I couldn't tell Diggy that I was still thinking about the options. Everyone in our circle knows, not the fans yet but the crew and fam know. How did our families react? Well, they weren't too thrilled about it. We got a very long lecture from them, but at the end, they let us know that they'd be here for us.
I was home with Diggy & myself. Lord help me. I wanted to slap both of them. They were getting on my nerves. It's only been 2 days since we found out about the pregnancy and they're already telling me what I should and shouldn't do. "You're gonna blow up like a balloon, you're gonna have swollen ankles, you'll be wobbling like a penguin too and-" "Spin," I interrupted. "What are you tryna do?" "Well Lexi, I'm just informing you on what's coming," he replied with an evil smile. "And how do you think that's going," I asked. "I think it's working. You seem annoyed and you know I love messing with you so I'm doing my job right," he smiled. "I am so close to jumping over there and beating the sh-" "HEY!" Diggy yelled. "No fighting, you're pregnant. & no more cursing. I don't want my son hearing that," he said as he rubbed my stomach. Oh my gosh! They've been treating me like a baby all day. Well, mostly Diggy. Spin just liked getting me upset. "Are you ser- did you just say son?" "Yeah" "what if we're having a girl?" "Well then she'll be my little princess. Whatever we have, imma love no matter what," he replied. "So yeah, stop cursing. It's-" "stooop! Stop stop stop! You've both been telling me what to do all day. Do you ever get tired of talking?! Damn. Y'all are annoying as fu-" "what did I just say?" "Okay, I'm done with both of you. I'm leaving." "We just want what's best for you and my nephew," Spin said. "All you've been doing was telling me how fat imma get and how I can come to your house b/c I'll finish all your food! & YOU," I said pointing to Diggy. "Take deeper breaths because you're breathing for two?! Wtf? Really Digg?! REALLY?!" They started laughing uncontrollably and I stood there annoyed watching them. I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away but Diggy wrapped his arms around me. "We just messin w/ you babe," he said before kissing my cheek. He walked with me back to the couch when the bell rang. "I'll get it," I said walking away. Those two are some clowns forreal. I can't deal w/ them sometimes. The bell rang again. When I looked to see who it was, I was shocked. So shocked and scared that I started shaking. It's Chris.

Okay, so we're having a spring concert @ my school soon and the song we're singing is Somebody To Love by Queens. Some of you already know that besides writing or drawing, I also love singing. I was thinking of doing the solo but idk yet...idk💭💭💭 decisions, decisions. But yeah, LEAVE FEEDBACK. No feedback, no chapters. Deuces!

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