The Devil Returns

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So this has nothing to do with the story, but I been watching the "My Girl" again and I'm just like "that girl is so pretty!" I mean, of course I wasn't just paying attention to her lol Trevor and Diggy (mostly Diggy) had all my attention. But I was actually looking at the girl in the scenes with Diggy this time (usually I'm just looking at Diggy) lol but she's so pretty! Some people just hating but she's absolutely beautiful. People just don't know how to act sometimes & it's petty. Okay now back to the story!

I turned my head in that direction and saw that she was walking towards us. Oh hell no! I stood up. "Lexi, we should go. We're done here," I said. "No, you're done here. You can go," Haven said holding on to Lexi's arm. Lexi pulled away from him and stood up next to me with her arms folded. "No, we're done," she said. It was already too late, she was already at the table. "Ohh! Hello...friends," she said smiling. "You know each other," Haven asked. No one said anything. Lexi & I just stared at her. If you haven't figured it out by now, this girl we saw was Logan. This can't isn't gonna be pretty. "Is anyone gonna answer my question," Haven asked. "Yeah, we do know each other. We're...fri-" "don't even try to finish that sentence. You know damn well we are not friends! I can't stand your ass," Lexi yelled. "Lexi what I tell you about raising your voice?" "Nigga what I tell you about telling me what to do?! I am NOT your child, I am NOT your pet! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE WITH HER?!" "You're causing a scene, Lexi." "Haven, you got three seconds to tell me why the hell you're here with this bitch." Everyone was staring. I knew it wouldn't be long before they started recording this if they weren't already. Lexi doesn't need to put on blast for this. "Lexi," I said gently grabbing her arm. "Lexi, c'mon I think we should go." She pulled her arm away from me and continued talking. "ARE YOU GONNA ANSWER MY QUESTION HAVEN?!" He just stood there shaking his head. "You need to chill," he said. That was it. He's a dead man. "I need to what? I NEED TO WH-" "TO CHILL! IT'S NOT EVEN THAT DAMN SERIOUS! IT'S JUST TWO OLD FRIENDS MEETING UP AND GETTING SOME DAMN ICE CREAM! JUST BECAUSE HIS ASS *points to Diggy* CHE- *speaks lower* cheated on you, doesn't mean that I will too. Why are you so upset that I'm with her? What did she-" Lexi cut him off and was talking low now. "Logan, what the hell do you want from my life? You were able to get Diggy, and you were able to break us up. Isn't that what you wanted? Yeah, we got back together but we're not anymore. What more do you want from me? Are you gonna try and take whoever I'm with? Is that what you wa-" "hold up. When you told me what happened between you and Diggy, this is the Logan you were talking about?" Lexi and I signed and she looked at me. "He actually gets it now," she said to me. She turned to walk away. "C'mon. You're right, it's time to go." She headed to the door and I stood there looking at Haven with his confused expression, and Logan with lust in her eyes. I shook my head and walked away following Lexi. She was already outside heading to the car. She ran her fingers through her hair as the wind blew. She does that a lot when she's thinking or just really frustrated. I ran up to her and noticed something about her. "Hey, you okay," I asked. That was such a dumb question because obviously, she's not. She didn't make eye contact, but I heard a sniffle. I know she's crying. I tried to get her attention, but she just kept walking so I ran in front of her and pulled her into a hug. "Just breathe, Lexi." "What the hell does she want Diggy?! I'm soo damn tired of this. I'm tired of her. I just want it all to be over. I'm done with it. I just want her gone!" I gently stroked her hair. "Shhh, it'll be okay soon okay? Don't worry about her. Just let me handle it." She looked up at me. "How? We thought we got rid of her the last time. She's just gonna keep coming back. I'm not worried for me, but I'm worried for the baby. What if her psycho ass tries something? Diggy how are we gonna get rid of her for good?" She kept crying and I pulled her into another hug. "It'll be over soon. I promise I'll protect you both." We stood there hugging a little bit longer until she calmed down. "Thank you," she said finally speaking after a few minutes of silence passed. "For what?" We still haven't ended the hug. "For...keeping me calm. For getting me out of there before I killed her." We both chuckled. "Anytime sweetheart. You know I'm always here for you." She nodded but stayed in my arms. "So, where are we going now," she asked. "I don't wanna go back home yet." "Okay, we could go back to my house. Roger & Spin are there now." She nodded again and ended the hug. "Sounds great," she said smiling. I smiled back and wiped the last of her tears. "Okay, let's go." I opened the door for her and once she was in, I went over to the drivers side and drove off after getting in.

*my house*

"AYE YO BLADES," I yelled when we got in. All we heard was them running from the kitchen. They ran right passed me and ran for Lexi. "LEXI," Roger yelled. He bumped Spin out the way causing him to bump into the wall. "NIGGA! WTF?!" I couldn't stop laughing. "Dammmmn Rog! HAHAA!" "Nigga ain't nothin funny!" Roger held on to Lexi as if he was never gonna let her go. Spin stood there with the straight face like he was about to hurt Roger. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever," Roger said. Lexi, still laughing, tried to answer "that's cuz you don't come over anymore," she finally said. "Oh, yeah. I forgot you don't know where I live," he said with sarcasm. He glared at him, laughed and continued with the hug. "Ahem." "Oh, sorry Spin." She ended the hug with Roger and was about to walk over to Spin but Roger stopped her. "Nuh uh, he saw you like a week ago. He'll be fine." He hugged Lexi from behind and smirked at Spin. "Nigga at least I go to see her," Spin yelled at him. "That's true, Rog." "Lexi, whose side are you on," Roger asked. "Wh- I'm no- I'm not on anyone's side. I'm just...being honest," she said laughing. "Alright, fine." He let her go and she went to hug Spin too. "It's about damn time," he said. "So, how y'all been," he asked pointing to her and her stomach. She smiled and replied "we've been great. The doctor said we should be expecting him any day now." "Really?! Ayyyyye that's wassup!" "Yeah, well c'mon. I gotta sit down." We all walked into the living room together. Lexi sat between me and Roger and Spin was in the couch across from the one we were in. "So, how's Haven? He's good to you right? I don't need to beat his ass," Spin asked. "No, there's no need. He's good," she replied. "Well, he was with Logan today." "What?!" She nodded. "Yeah, he said they were friends for a while. But I wasn't tryna hear what they had to say. & I wasn't tryna kill her. So we left." Spin and I looked at each other. "Damn. Why the hell she won't just leave you alone? Digg, we gotta handle this bitch quick." I looked up at him and nodded. "I know. I gotta protect her and the baby. Since she's friends with Haven too, I doubt he'll do his job." "Exactly. Lexi, if he hurts you. You let me know. Let me whoop his ass. Digg, what you wanna do bout Logan though? Just know we *points to himself and Roger* got y'all." Lexi and I smiled at them. "Thanks," we said. "When Logan shows up, you know it won't be long before Chris shows up too," Roger said. We sat there thinking of a plan of how to get rid of Satan and his partner in crime. We kept thinking until Spin said "I have an idea how they can go back to hell. Lexi, you might not like it, but you gotta think about the baby." We looked at him in confusion. What is he thinking & why won't she like it? "What is it," she asked. He looked at the three of us and took a deep breath. "Okay..."

I promised a new chapter after 8 comments so here it is! What do you think Spin's plan is? Leave @ least 8 comments and find out if you're right! I wanna see what y'all think his plan is!

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