Chapter 106

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~The Next Morning after the morning hygiene routine~

So I was laying on the couch watching TV when my doorbell rang. "Ughhh who is this," I mumbled as I got up from the couch. When I got to the door to see who it was, I was shocked. How did he know I was here? Seeing him made me smile just like old times. I opened the door right away and all he did was smile. "Jason," I said giving him a hug. "Heyyy Lexy Wexi the best bestie in the whole wide world," he said wit a chuckle. "WOOWWW," I said laughing. We ended the hug and I let him in. "So what's up," I asked. "Nothin. I can't just come see my friend. Wow, it's been a while since I've been in here," he said taking a seat on the couch. "Yeah, but what's the real reason. I didn't even tell you I was here," I replied joining him on the couch. "Okay, I just came to see how you were doing. I heard what happened," he replied. "I'm sure you did," I said in a nonchalant tone. "Listen, I've gotten to know Diggy a little better those four moths you were gone, and I know that he really loves you. I know sometimes there'll be bumps in the road but you can get through this. I think you should try again with him and just-" "Jason," I interrupted. "Did Diggy send you over here," I asked. "Um, no. I haven't talked to him since the night I was at that little reunion," he said. "I was talking to Akilah and she told me. But um, back to what I was saying-" "can we not? Can we just not talk about that right now? I cried myself to sleep last night and if I even have any tears left, I would really like to keep them in," I said. "...okay. You know I always hated seeing you cry." "I know. So let's change the subject," I said. "How about you go change that outfit and we head out," he replied. "I'm not in the mood to-" "C'mon, go get ready. Please?" He did that face he always did when he begged for something that I could never say no to. "Why you gotta do the face?" "Because it always works," he replied. "Now go. & hurry up." "Don't rush me, Jason," I said getting up.

*20 minutes later*

I went back downstairs and Jason immediately stood up. "Ready to go," he said getting all excited. "Why are you energetic today," I asked. "I'm just tryna get you in a better mood," he said. He took my hand and lead me to the door.

In about 30 minutes later, we were at the movie theaters. We got popcorn and soda then went in to find seats. The movie we were watching was About Last Night with my favorite comedian Kevin Hart! I haven't laughed this much in months! My stomach and my cheeks were sore from all the laughing. Kevin is just something else!

*After the movies*

"I haven't heard you laugh that hard forever," he said. "Well you haven't been around in forever," I replied. "True, true. But it's great to hear that laugh of yours again," he said. "Man, I'm starving! You wanna get some chipotle," he asked. "Definitely!" We got in his car and headed to chipotle!!! Yum! "Let's walk & eat," he said.

"Play your part. Cuz I been grindin from the start. & this just ain't no verse an hook. Cuz these verses hook through my heart." Someone was performing close by & they sounded great! "Hey, where's that coming from," Jason asked. We kept walking and followed the music until we got to this large crowd. Jason and I made out way to the front to see who was performing. Not only did he sound great, but he looked great too. The way he dressed was amazing. The way he rapped with such passion was what got me. This dude is amazing! I'd love to work with him. He's too good not to. When he looked up, our eyes met. He immediately smiled & the next like he said was "back & forth, back & forth is my feelings. I wanna get close but if I do, it ain't no room for healing. You love is my drug, but baby girl I ain't got no time for dealin. So I'm in the whip & I'm peelin...she said 'heartless' & I said 'troubled' & you would too if you didn't know who really loved you." Jason and I stood there watching him perform until the song was over. "This dude is dope," Jason said. "I know right? He's amazing," I replied. "You definitely need to talk to him. Work with him," he said. I thought about it for another minute. I think I just might do it. He performed another song which he said was "Left Behind." It was fire! There's just something about him. The way he raps really gets you hypnotized. "Turn up my headphones till they can't go up. Blasting out reality tellin me to grow up. I hope my mamma proud of me. She will be when I blow up. & I roll up in that Rover just to show her that I told ya! Ugh!" He reminded me a little of Drake, but he never cursed. "If you play your part, God will lead you to the other clues DREAM!" Gosh, he's great! He's just so different. Rapping facts without cursing. You never see that. He looks like he's maybe 18. I'm definitely gonna be working with this one. After one more song, he was done. "Aye thanks for comin out y'all! I really appreciate all the love and support! BANDANA CREW!" He waved to the crowd and blew kisses as they left. A few girls ran up to him, did that hair flip, and got a few pics with him. After the crowd left, he was finally alone with his DJ. "I'll be back," I said to Jason as I walked over to the rapper dude. "I'm coming w/ you," he said running to catch up to me. "Hey," I said to the stranger. He turned around and smiled at me again. "Hello," he said. "It's nice to finally meet you Alex," he said extending his arm for a handshake. I took his hand and shook it. "Um, it's nice to meet you to uhh-" "Haven," he said. "I'm Haven." "Well, it's nice to meet you Haven," I said. He kept smiling until Jason spoke. "Yo, you were dope," he said. He looked at Jason, at me, then at Jason again. "Thanks," he replied with a half smile. "Yeah, you were beyond amazing," I said. "Thank you. That really means a lot," he said. "I would really love to work with you one day," I said with a smile. "Oh my g- are you serious?!" "Yeah, like I said, you're amazing. I think if we come together, I sing, you rap, we could make some magic happen on that track," I said with an even bigger smile. Haven got all hype when I said that. "Ohh my gosh, you don't understand how happy you just made me," he exclaimed. He immediately hugged me, picked me up, and spun with me. "Whoa," was all I could say. He finally got a hold of himself and put me down. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just so excited," he said with a huge smile on his face. "Well, I'm happy that you're happy about this idea," I said. Just then Jason's phone rang. "I gotta take this. Lexi, I'll be over there," he said walking away. "Okay," I replied. Haven and I took our eyes off of Jason then looked at each other. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have picked you up like that. Especially in front of your boyfriend," he said. "Oh, no it's fine. You were-" then I realized that he called Jason my boyfriend. "Wait, Jason's not my boyfriend," I said. "Oh, you have a boyfriend," he asked. I thought about Diggy then sighed. "No," I replied. "That's shocking," he said with a smile. "You're gorgeous. I thought a pretty girl like you would have a boyfriend." I put on this half smile and said "thanks." "So um, I don't mean to sound jumpy. I mean, you just gave me an incredible offer. Don't think I'm using you for anything. But um, can I take you out? How's this Friday," he said with a smile. "Haven," I said with a sigh. "You seem like a really great guy, but I don't think that's a good idea. See, I literally just got out of a relationship...last night actually. Jason just took me out to take my mind off of it. & um, I'm just not looking to get into anything right now." He nodded then said "okay. That's totally understandable. Well, we could still be friends right? We'll be working together soon." "Yeah, we could be friends." After exchanging numbers, I looked over at Jason who just hung up. "Well, expect a call...maybe later tonight. Or tomorrow morning. I should get going now," I said. "Goodnight. OH, remember this, any guy who would ever hurt you, or let you go, is a damn fool. Goodnight Alex," he said. His compliments actually made me blush. He's such a sweet guy, he's just...different. "Goodnight Haven," I said. Then, I walked away.

IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHO HAVEN IS, YOU DEFINITELY NEED TO LISTEN TO HIM! HE'S AMAZING! The first song I put in this was his song "Feelings. " (HavenRap on youtube!) check him out!

Anyway, you know the drill. @ least 8 comments!

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