Chapter 75

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Me: so why are you here?

Logan: just to make sure that you're still here and stay here. I can't stay long. My boyfriend's waiting on me @ home. His name's Daniel *devilish smile*


Even that name sounds familiar.

Logan: well, I'm off. Don't ever leave the house. You got that?

Me:...I do what I want, Logan

She was about to walk over to me but Brandon grabbed her arm.

Brandon: bye Logan!

She looked at him, then back at me. She pulled away from Brandon and walked out.

Brandon: sorry about that

Me:...who is she?

Brandon:...she's Logan

Me: I know her name, Brandon. But who is she? How does she know me?

Brandon:...don't worry about that

He walked away but you know I got up and followed his lying ass.

Me: BRANDON! I am trying to remember everything but you keep keeping things from me! It's like you don't even want me to remember anything!

Brandon never even made eye contact. He just remained silent. Something's not right. I feel like Logan's apart of all this. Are they both against me? Brandon, the guy I thought was my "best friend"? Really just plotting against me?

Me: Brandon, please, if you're hiding something from me, just let me know now. You say you're my best friend so act like it. I hate not remembering. I hate not knowing what my life used to be. I just wanna be able to-

Then I remembered the girl I saw today.

Me: I have fans?

Brandon looked up at me quick.

Brandon: what?

Me: what? You heard what I said!

Brandon: what are you talking about?

Me: you know exactly what I'm talking about Brandon!

Brandon: where's all this coming from? Where have you been today? I left you upstairs. Did you go out? Without Damian?!

Me: forget Damian! Yes, I went out. This girl ran up to me saying she's my fan. Why didn't you tell me? were so stressed about not remembering anything. I didn't wanna put any pressure on you.

Me: pressure? What pressure?!

Brandon: the pressure of the press. The screaming fans. I didn't want you to-

Me: remember anything?

Brandon: that's not what I was gonna say. I just-

Me: you are unbelievable

Brandon: yet you believed everything I said

Me: what choice did I have?! I woke up somewhere with you next to my bed telling me all these things about me losing my memory. Is anything you even told me true? Is my name even Tianna?! You are such a liar! I need to get out of here.

I turned to walk away but he grabbed me.

Brandon: where are you going?

Me: oh now you care about me? Don't worry about it *pushes him off*

I ran out of the house. I didn't feel like walking so I went to the back of the house and chose one of the 5 cars back there. I chose the red Lamborghini. That one was alway my favorite. Anyway, I got in and drove off. I didn't know when I was going. All I know is that I need to go.

After driving for what felt like hours, I decided to pull over by the beach. There was no one there which was perfect because I needed to be alone. The moon was reflecting on the water which made it even prettier. I got out if the car and went to stand at the shore. I took a deep breath as the cool breeze blew. This was really relaxing. Can I just stay here forever?

Nothing was making sense. Brandon, Logan, this "accident."

Me: I just want my life back. Is that too much to ask for?

After saying that, I started crying.

I looked to my right and I didn't even notice someone was there. He wasn't standing too close but he was staring at me. If he's another fan, that's great, but I'm just not in the mood right now. I looked back at the water one last time and took in another deep breath.

Me: *whispers* great, company

Then I turned to walk away when I noticed mystery man was running towards me.

Me: oh shit *starts running*

Who's Mystery Man & what's he gonna do? Leave feedback! :D

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