Love or Fame ~ Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

*Alex POV*

*at the diner w/ Jason & Zendaya*

A: *texting & smiling*

Z: Girl who the heck have you been texting? You've been smiling at your phone since we left the photoshoot

A: *locks phone* Umm, nobody..

J: *dryly* She was texting Diggy

Z: What?! & you didnt tell me? *smiles* You gotta new boothang..

A: No I dont ! Me & Digg are just friends

Z: Look at you using nicknames *smiles* besides didnt you say he was your celebrity crush?

A: *face palms* Gosh, did EVERYBODY see that episode?!

J: I mean look who was on it, of course everybody saw it.

A: Well i dont like Diggy like that & that's the end of this. All I said was he's cute. I said Trevor's cute too but that doesn't mean I wanna date him.

Z: mmmhm. So we just got back from tour & i wanna go out tonight

A: oh yeah, me too . You down Jason ?

J: If you're gonna be there then hell yeah. *winks*

A: *rolls eyes* so where should we go?

J: Well i heard Jaguars 3 was hot

Z: then it settled that's where we're turning up at tonight

A: Yurppp , let's call the gang.

Z: Diggy too? *laughs*

A: OMG *laughs*

J: can we stop talking about Diggy please?

Z: I think we need to call Snow White cuz Grumpy's not with the other dwarfs.

J: *sigh* whatever Zendaya

A: what's up J? Why are you so upset?

J: just forget it

Z: he thinks Diggy's gonna get you. His girlfriend only in his head.

J: I said drop it

Z: *laughs* fine

A: *sigh* wow

*Diggy's P.O.V*

So I'm at Spin's house now and I don't see him. I checked in his favorite place, the kitchen and I didn't see him. He wasn't in the pool house either. I went in his room and saw him sleeping. He looked so peaceful. The perfect time for me to mess with him.

*takes out phone*

?: hello?

Me, whispering: yo Roger where you @?

R: I'm on my way to Spin's house.

Me: perfect. Let me know when you here. *hangs up*

5 minutes later, Roger was in the house.

"Diggy?!" He yelled. Damn he's loud. I ran downstairs to tell him to stop yelling.

Me: Shhh! Spin's sleepin!

R: so?! Wake him up!

Me: nah I wanna mess w/ him first! Here take my phone and record this.

I put some of Spin's shaving cream in my hand and we went back in his room.

Me: ready?

R: He's gonna kill you.

Me: he'll be fine I brought him some chipotle.

R: chipotle? I better be gettin some too!

Me: just press record

R: go

I walked slowly up to Spin's bed, slapped him with the hand I had the shaving cream in and yelled "SMACK CAM!!!" He jumped up and I ran out the room with Roger right behind me.

Spin: WTF?!

You already know he chased us. We ran to the backyard and i grabbed the hose and Roger turned the water on. I never heard Spin yell that loud! It was like a girl's scream though. Roger and I kept laughing, running, and being chased by Spin until we got to the kitchen.

S: imma kill y'all!

Me: hold up! I got you Chipotle though!

S: I don't give a- Chipotle? Oh imma go change then I don't want that gettin cold man!

R: *laughs* that scream though!

Me: 4real! Never heard him scream like that!

S: shut up! I'll be back!

When he went upstairs, I posted the video on IG and the caption was "never fall asleep around me. Gibby was caught slippin tho!"

A few minutes later, Spin came down.

S: oh so we postin videos now? Y'all wanna mess w/ me and post that? I got you!

He took out his phone, a razor, and shaved part of Roger's hair when he wasn't looking.

S: SHAVE CAM! *post to IG* "never mess with Young Ratchet tho! Roger got that Lebron Hairline!"


S: give me my damn food! W/ ya Lebron lookin hairline!

Me: yooo!!! *laughs*

R: I was gonna go to the barber anyway! Why you ain't mess w/ Diggy?!

S: his time will come!

Me: but...I brought you food though.

S: -_- yeah that makes it better. Anyway, tour just ended y'all wanna go out later? Jaguars 3?

Me: you know it

R: definitely

S: cool. I'll tell the crew.

Jaguars 3? Isn't that where Alex and her crew are gonna be? What's gonna happen when she sees Diggy? Is Jason jealous? What's he gonna do if he sees Alex and Diggy getting a little too close? Leave feedback to get the next chapter though! #JetSettersUp!!!

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