Chapter 108

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*2 days later*
Ever since that day at the doctor, I haven't told anyone about my conclusion or that I got the test. The only one who knows about the test is Jason. I'd tell Serina too but I can't ask her to keep secrets from Spin. It wouldn't feel right. And if he knows, you know Diggy's gonna know too and I didn't want to talk to him right now. Not because I'm mad, but because I just need the space. That's why I don't want to see or talk to him until I clear my mind.
They said the results would take at least two days and today's the day. I sat around the house just anxiously waiting for that phone call that could changed our lives. Even though I have an idea of who the father is, I still just wanna be sure.
I was laying in the couch watching TV, or maybe the TV was really just watching me. I paid no attention to it what's so ever but I was trying to get my mind off of...everything, really. Anyway, as I laid there, I thought of the first time I'll see my baby. The next thing that came to my mind was what used to be my oh so perfect dream. Me, my baby, Diggy, all together and just happy. Now, it's just blurred. Diggy's blurred. There is no father figure now. Hopefully, the test can change that.
I was so zoned out that my phone actually scared me when it rang. I started getting nervous. What if this is the doctor? I could be getting the results right now! I sat up and reached over to get my phone. "Oh Dear Lord help me," I said before looking at the screen. "Ughhh." It was just Spin. Don't get me wrong, I always love talking to him, but this time I was expecting someone else. "Hello?" "WASSUUUUP?" "Hey Spin" "wassup Lexi? What you been up to these past few days?" "Nothing really. Just chillin." "Cool, so when you movin back in with Digg," he asked. I paused before answering because I didn't expect him to ask that. He knows the circumstances. "What?" "You heard me. When. Are you. Moving back in. With. Diggy," he said slowly. "Why are you asking me this," I asked him kinda getting annoyed. To be honest, I was tired of all these questions about Diggy. If it wasn't people outside the crew coming up to me to ask what was going on, then it was a bunch of tweets and Instagram pictures that I decided to ignore. I don't wanna ignore my fans but all of this was just crazy. Every time I go on the gram, all I see are notifications of them tagging me in pictures of me and Diggy either hugging, kissing, or just together in a picture telling us to get back together. Yeah, they know already. Our fans are like the FBI. They know almost everything. They even found out that I'm pregnant. They don't know the drama though. That's the good part. Diggy and I have always tried to keep our lives private. For the most part, we've been doing great with that. "Spin, can we now talk about that, please? Is that why you called," I asked. "I can't just call to check up on you? Damn." We both went silent for a few seconds. "Well, anyway, I'll talk to you later. I can tell you don't wanna talk to me right now so..." "Spin don't say that. It's not like that. I've just been thinking a lot and I'm really stressed out. It's not you. I'm sorry, I just...I- I have a lot on my mind but I shouldn't take it out on you. I'm sorry...again," I said. "I understand Lexi. I understand. But your door," he said. "Open my door?" "Yeah I'm outside homie!" I got up to get the door. When I opened it, there he was with Jett in one hand and chipotle in the other. Jett had this huge adorable smile on his face. Seeing that smile caused me to smile too. It always did. I haven't seen this little boy in forever and just seeing that smile of his immediately brightened up my day. Spin put him down and he immediately ran to hug me. "HEY LEXI," he yelled. "Hey cutie," I said hugging him back. "How've you been," I asked. "Good. I missed you!" he said as he extended his arms so he could be picked up. I picked him up and we walked over to the couch. "Well hello to you too," Spin said as he shut the door. "Hey Spin," I replied. "I haven't seen you in forever and you don't even hug me," he said sitting around the table.
"It's been two days." "Exactly! Foreverrr!!!" I laughed, got up with Jett still in my arms, and took a seat next to him around the table and watched him eat as if he's never seen food before in his life. "Omg don't choke," I said laughing. "You know I love my chipotle," he said taking another bite. "You need a drink," I asked. "Thanks," he said. I got up and walked over to the fridge. "What you want? I got-" "can I have some orange juice please Lexi," I heard a small voice say. I smiled once again and looked down. Jett stood in front of me trying to reach the OJ. He was able to reach it, but he couldn't pick it up because it was too heavy for him. "Sure thing cutie." I took the juice and poured it in a cup for him and a glass for Spin. After putting it back, I took Jett's hand and we walked back to the table. I put the glass next to Spin and sat back down. Jett was reaching for me again so I picked him up and put him in my lap. "Who told you I wanted orange juice," Spin asked. "Take what you get and don't get upset," I said. He chuckled, took a sip, then put it down. "Thanks bestie," he said. I didn't notice until now that he already finished his food. "You're done already?! Sometimes I think you inhale your food," I said laughing. "Pause, where's Jett's," I asked. "He ate in the car," Spin said said pointing to a stain on Jett's shirt. "He made a mess too." Jett didn't say anything. All he did was giggle. That made me laugh. He's just the cutest little boy in the world! "OMG you're too cute," I said hugging him. "I missed you so much!" He giggled again causing me to smile. "He's so cute," I said to Spin. "I know right," he replied. Jett got down from my lap and ran to the couch. He changed the channel on the TV and put it on Spongebob (I love Spongebob! You're never too old for him! Lol). "You're so good with him," Spin said. I took my focus from Jett to Spin. "He really loves you," he continued before taking another sip of his orange juice. "I love him too," I said. "You know, you're gonna be an amazing mother," he said with a smile. "& I want you to know that no matter who the father is, imma always be here for you and that lil baby of yours," he said. He then put his hand on my stomach and said "my little niece or nephew." That made me smile again. "Thanks Spin. That really means a lot," I said. Dude had me getting all emotional. "Ughh now look what you did," I said laughing as I wiped a teardrop away. He just sat there and chuckled. "Well, I should get going," he said as he stood up. "I promised him I'd take him to the movies." He walked over and hugged me. "Love you punk," he said. "Love you too greedy," I replied. "Come on J. It's time to go." "Nooo, I don't wanna goo," Jett replied. "I wanna stay here with Lexi!" He hopped off the couch that he was laying in and ran to me reaching for me again. I picked him up. "He can stay," I said. "Can I sleep over too," Jett asked getting all excited. "Sure," I said laughing. Then Spin threw himself in the couch and said "Oh we having a sleepover now?! Turn up!" I couldn't help but laugh. While we were there discussing our little sleepover, my phone rang, interrupting the laughter. I reached over to get it, not even thinking about the hospital. But then I checked who was calling and that's exactly where it was from. My smile immediately faded and the laughing stopped. My heart started racing. "What's wrong," Jett asked. "You look sad." I looked up at him and put on a smile. "Um...nothing. Nothing's wrong. I just didn't expect this person to call. I'll be back." Spin watched me the whole time I was talking to Jett. He knew I was lying and that something was actually bothering me but he didn't say anything in front of Jett. I excused myself and went upstairs. "Hello," I said. "Hello Ms. Ventura," the doctor said. "How are you," she asked. "Anxious," I replied. "I know. So are you ready to hear the results," she asked. Really? Does she really have to ask me that? "Yes," I replied. "Okay. I have the papers right now. Don't worry, I'm alone in the office. Okay, now, the father of your baby is...."

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