i looked at the slip, "why?"

"i'm not sure," he said while shrugging, "but you're a good student, so i'm sure it's nothing,"

"alright," i said before i walked away.

as i was walking out of the classroom, jocelin gave me a confused look and i just waved.

while walking to counseling, i checked my phone to see if shawn had texted me.

but, there was nothing.

not surprised.

when i walked into my counselor's office, i was greeted with a big smile, "hi, cassandra,"

"hi, mrs. aguilar," i said as i put my bag down and sitting on the chair.

she straightened her posture, "how've you been doing?"

"decent," i responded.

she pulled up something on her computer, "so, do you know why i called you in?"

i checked my phone again, "no,"

"well miss, you were accepted into all but one of the universities you applied to awhile ago," she said while turning her computer screen to face me, "i just need you to tell me which one you're planing on attending,"

wow, college. i haven't thought about that in a while.

i used to be obsessed with the idea of attending a four-year university and getting my teaching credential.

key phrase is 'used to'. but, things change.

i looked around the room to avoid eye contact with her, "actually, i was thinking about taking a year off,"

"but i thought you wanted to go to college," she said with concern, "you were actually against the idea of taking year off,"

"listen mrs. aguilar, things change," i started saying, "my hopes and dream changed,"

she turned the computer screen back to face her, "and what are your hopes and dreams, cassandra?"

i shrugged, "i'm not sure,"

she looked concerned, "have you talked to your parents?"

i took a deep breath and sighed, "no, i haven't, but i probably should,"

she smiled, "well, you're a good kid and i trust your decision with this,"

i stood up and smiled to her before i walked away, "thanks,"

after school-

right when i got home, i went to the kitchen to find both my parents sitting down.

now is the perfect time to tell them.

"¿como te fue en la escuela? {how was school?}" my dad asked.

"buen, {good,}" i said while putting my hair up, "um, i need to talk to you two about something,"

my mom looked up from her laptop, "¿que paso? {what happened?}"

i took a deep breath, "i-"

"está embarazada! {she's pregnant!}" rihanna yelled as she walked to the pantry to get chips.

"no, stupid," i said while rolling my eyes, "it's about college,"

"thank god!" my parents said as they laughed, "what about college though?"

"i decided i'm going to take a year off and not go to college," i said all in one breath.

my parents looked at each other with concern on their faces, "is it that boy who's making you do this?"

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