"Harry?" Full confusion crosses her face.

"Yeah I'm here too." I smile slightly. The way she pronounced my name, I don't know whether she is happy to see me here or not?

"What? How?" You can tell Mia wants a lot of questions answered.

"You feel down the stairs Mia. You have not been well for a few days. The doctors gave you a drug that would make you sleep to rest the full of your body." Max explains.

"How long...have I been in here for." She tries to sit up but collapses back down.

"Come here, let me help you." I stand. Gently putting a grip around Mia's arms, I prop her into a seating position. As soon as she is comfortable, I shake the pillows and place them behind her back to give her more comfort.

Maybe this is a little awkward because the last time Mia seen me was when I kissed her. By her reaction of running inside, I don't think that she liked it.

"I want to stay but I really need to go to the toilet, I will be back in a minute." Max walks out of the room.

Wow. Now this is awkward!

"Urm why are you here?" Mia asks.

"Well because...well I don't really know. Max rang and told me about you so I thought I would come and see you." I shrug.

"Oh." Is all she says.

Well at least I could have a conversation with her when she was asleep, now I feel as the cat has my tongue and I can't speak at all.

"How are you feeling?" Come on, what else can I ask?

"Weak, worn out, sick." Yeah maybe that is why you are in hospital.

"With all of the medication that they have pumped into you, in a couple of days you will be feeling on top of the world." I laugh a little.

"Oh yeah. I wish." She smiles, lifting her hand to her head where she has the cut.

"Yeah you cut you head too." I say.

"That doesn't surprise me. I am so clumsy." She replies.

Where the hell has Max got too? This is really awkward and I need some conversation going.

Just as my thought's get carried away, the room door soon opens and Max enters the room. Finally!

As Max makes some conversation with Mia, I stay silent just listening to the both of them talk.

"Should I let mum and dad no?" Max asks.

"No." Mia shakes her head.

"Yes." I say.

"I said no." She snaps. Okay well somebody is due on.

"They need to know Mia they are your parents." I look at her.

"I don't care who they are, I don't want them knowing yet." She furrows her eyebrows.

"Okay whatever, calm down." I roll my eyes.

"Don't tell me to calm down."

"Bloody hell Mia chill out!" I raise my voice.

"Just go." She looks away.

"What?" What does she mean.

"Just go Harry, I'm not up for arguing." She repeats.

"No I will not just go." I refuse. What is she talking about?

"Harry please just leave!" She pleads.

"Fuck no! I'm not arguing with you s what is your problem?" I raise my hands.

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