Are you sure?

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Nothing is sure in this world.
Even God Himself doesn't give sure answer: It's either yes, no, or wait.
It cannot be YES all the time.  Right?

Some people are looking for signs
If this is really  the 'it'; THIS IS IT!
When they are praying for the right job, right match, right church, etc --
The only way to know is to try.
That's why they said that the key to success is try and TRY  AGAIN.

Everytime I was looking for a job.
For every interview I had, I prayed to God to let this be 'the one', and when I ended up being rejected, I get mad and depressed. In my mind, I'm saying 'God I trusted you, I thought this is the one. Why did you let me fail? And  You let them succeed? Why did you give me false hope? '
So many questions but the worst part is during those times, you couldn't feel Him/hear Him even if you want.

God doesn't give clear answers to our prayers, (that's what we, most people thought) and sometimes we would have to wait for a very long time.

If that is the case, are you gonna stop trying? Because failures are too much to bare. You have to realize that life is a journey. When you say journeyan act of traveling from one place to another. In other words, answers won't come if you don't make any action while waiting. You must move and try again.

So let me rephrase my words this time, when God gave you answer; surely, it's always yes, (yes, you hear it right!) No and wait are just part of the journey all the way to 'the YES!' answer.

If you pray for a loving, God-fearing husband/wife. God will give you exactly that. If you're dating some guy for 3/5 years but end up being separated. You have to analyze and think deeper. Maybe, your initial thought was;  'the answer was YES (All signs were there and were very clear)  Yes! it was a yes; A yes from YOU not from GOD. You have decided it on your own. God said no, not yet! Wait for a while, keep going. But because you were very convinced that He's the one. You do it your way and not God's way. You lost your focus and so is the road to yes!

Tomorrow is not certain. We're not perfect but we have a perfect, honest God. I cannot be sure that I'll always follow God but one thing is for sure my decision right now will determine my destination later.

Do not expect to have an easy journey, remember you choose the narrow road over the broad one. And the small gate over the wide gate. Many will try to enter but will not be able to.  MATT. 7:13-14

Next time you pray to God. Believe it'll happen. And make sure with God’s patience, wisdom, provision and love, you will bravely accept when God said No that's not MY YES or you'll patiently WAIT when the yes is not here yet.

Matt. 21:22
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.


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