Hold it

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Stomp your feet...
Gritted teeth...
Bite your lips...
Close your eyes...

Turn around, walk away...

Hold your horses. Keep calm.
Don't let your anger strikes someone so hard that you're going to hurt them so much. Once words that were said out of anger had thrown out, it will forever remain, and would surely left wounds that may be healed but will never be forgotten.

A moment of patience in a moment of anger saves you a hundred moments of regret.

People usually realize their mistakes after they have pour out their anger. And it much harder if both parties has no intention of forgiving. It is said that it is ok to be angry but it is never ok to be cruel. Lingering much in our anger will only give satan more access in our heart that may lead into a cruel you.

We must know that the person we are shouting or cursing is not actually the real enemy but it is satan and the devil who wants nothing but your soul to live with him eternally.

Psalm 119:114
I will wait for your word to renew me.

Hosea 6:6
His after your heart.

Open your heart to the Lord and ask forgiveness. Let him renew you and change your heart; though full of scars, with his love it'll become brand new. He can make you be the person you are destined to be.

2 Corinthians 5:13
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come.

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