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People will never be contented in life. Those who are up struggling to get high and those who are down struggling to get up. We always look for something that is beyond our needs. We tend to fulfill what our earthly bodies crave for. (Excitement, fun, freedom.
Power, wealth and fame. Etc...)

There are some others who easily get the position they now have, while some others are trying very hard to achieve it But the response were both the same.
They're humans, once they got what they're craving for, they ought to look for something more.

1 Corinthians 6:10
Nor thieves nor the greedy nor the drunkards not slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

The first and only time the word 'contented' was mentioned in the bible is in the book of Daniel. Spoke by King Nebuchadnezzar followed by the word prosperous.

Daniel 4:4
I, Nebuchadnezzar, was at home in palace, contented and prosperous.

How can we say that we are prosperous enough for us to be contented?

Mirriam Webster defined 'prosperous' as having success usually by making money.

People today focus much of earning money to achieve their life goal. We focus much and spend a lot of time working and achieving these goals. Goals that could satisfy our life. Life that was meant to be prosperous.

When should we stop?
Did you pose for a minute and think if do these things really matter?
Is this enough?
I am finally  contendted,
but Am I really?

No matter how big we achieved or how huge the money we gained, we still end up questioning our contenment like something is still missing.

Another some people that I know are the ones who can't and never would achieve their life goals but it doesn't mean that they can't be contented also. Well in fact, this is all they've got. Contenment in the littlest thing makes them prosperous.

They are contented with the light from the sun,
with fish in the sea,
with the fruits in the tree.
They have found their contenment through water flowing in the stream,
through greenfields and wild flowers,
through stars in the night
through the air that they breathe,
And through the hope that they have.

And because of that God give favor on them and touch their hearts.

They are prosperous with promises and hope.
With love and grace.
With obedience and faith.

The word that I'd rather have than contented is fulfilled.
Fulfilled the scriptures and you'll be prosperous in all the days of your life.

Matt. 19:23
Then Jesus tell to his disciple. 'I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven'.

What is essential is invisible to the eyes.

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