It is what it is

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Life Happens

Sometimes life happens so smoothly like the universe conspired to make your day brighter. But it's not always the case. There are days you have to try harder, work harder and pray harder but in the end, it still isn't for you. Life still sucks.

In the movie I just recently watched; it says that life is happening for you and not to you. Kind of confusing, right!? How isn't even possible that life is happening for me when every things seems to be going wrong. It is also the question that Tony Robbins asked; an author, "What if life was not happening to you, it was happening for you?".

As I think about it, life as a whole is not just about me. No matter what I feel today - whether Im happy, sad or hopeless, LIFE will continue to happen. The world wouldn't cease because I said so.

Whatever is happening around me, it happens because it has to. And whatever is happening in me, it happened because It is how I accepted it, it is how I accept life and everything in it -- good or bad and  the in betweens -- It is how life worked for me to be the kind of person I have to be. To be the kind of unique person that I am.

Truly, It is really hard to think this way when you experienced traumatic events and see everyday's suffering and abuse etc, but life is unfair and it's a fact. It is never perfect. God Himself said that the world is a wicked place and even man's heart too. The only way to find your true purpose is to experience life as it is. We can never willingly go to God on our own, He needs to use this wicked world for you to be able to seek His world, His Kingdom and His righteousness.

I now fully understand Romans 8:28 -- And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose and this verse
John 14:27 --- Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

God is preparing you. Each life's experience - good or bad is leading you to His perfect life story He had made just for you, And I do hope may all your responses/actions lead you to His words and promises because that should always the end game.

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