How can I cope with stress?

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Sound principles of Stress Management.

1. Identification. Know who you are. I am a child of God. I was put on eart not by accident but by purpose. Iam deeply love by God. He has plan for my life and bec. Im here I am significant.

2. Dedication. Know whom you're trying to please.
Matt. 6:33. 
Seek the kingdom of God and all His righteousness then all other necessary things will be added unto you.

3. Organization. Know what you're trying to accomplish.
Everyday, you either live by priorities or you live by pressure. There is no other options. Having clear goals simplify life.

Ask yourself. Is this really the way I want to spend a day of my life? Am I gonna waste or exchanges 24hrs of my life for this kind of activities?

4. Concentration. Focus on one thing at a time. When we concentrate and give efforts, we become more effective.

5. Deligation. Don't do it all yourself. In order to become effective, you must get other people involved.

6. Meditation. Make a habit of having personal prayer.

Psalm  46:10 Be still and know that I am God.

Start out morning with prayer and then periodically through the day stop and pray again to recharge our spiritual batteries. Prayer is a gigantic stress reliever- a God-given tool for letting off your anxieties.

7. Recreation. Take time off to enjoy. Rest is so important that God included it in 10 commandments.

8. Transformation. Give your stress to Christ.

Matt. 11:28-30
You will never enjoy complete peace of mind until you have a relationship with the prince of peace.

From Daily Bread.
Devotion for today.

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