Things I learned before I turned 28

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1. Be Kind. Spread kindness. It keeps your heart healthy.
2. Find beauty in every day. Preferably, from the moment you open your eyes immediately look for it. It brings goodvibes.
3. Live simply and never compare your life to others. Every single one of us has different life story to share.
4. Be happy when others are happy and when someone's sad, lend your ears. If you're the one sad, look for a true friend(s). They'll  keep you sane and help you move on.
5. God is at work every single day and so did satan. Pray harder before you work hard. It will make a huge difference.
6. Pray hardest when your prayers were granted and living life abundantly. Satan will be after you and he'll be very discreet.
7. Use your tongue wisely whether in talking, speaking or eating. It will make or break you. Remember, blessings and curses are made through it.
8. Treasure every moment. That one usual routine will change eventually or sometimes it never comes back. Better keep them in a photograph.
9. Days are evil and life is unfair, to  accept them sincerely is the only way you can escape from mediocre life.
10. Make sure to have at least one constant thing in your life. And I highly suggest, it will be God.
11. Do not dwell on your miseries, know  that you cannot always be strong but never allowed it to dictate your destiny. Control your emotions and most specially your mind. Truth is what you should hold not facts that were only made by man.
12. Make time to understand the person or situation before you make judgement.
13. Let go of the past that's been hurting you so long. They happened for a reason. Instead, focus on making  good today so you'll have better yesterday and even better future.
14. Minimize making a single mistake twice or more. The damage gained in again and again was sometimes cannot be repaired.

To be continued...

15. Less talk, less mistakes but never be afraid to speak what is right and what you truly feels.
16. Not because it's usual, you have to follow it. Follow your conscience instead.
17. Education is important but without goals aside from graduating, it'll be nothing. Passion is greatly needed to be truly happy in whatever you wanted to do.

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