The Power of Prayer

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Nov. 13, 2015. I woke up late, around 10am. I checked my IG and immediately start questioning why do we have to pray for Paris? And then minutes later I found out what happened. #PrayforParis is everywhere in social medias.


The day after tomorrow; Nov. 15, 2015. #Prayfortheworld is the new hashtag.

Prayer, it changes everything. If I'm not mistaken. It was first mentioned in the Bible in the Book of;

Genesis 25:21
Isaac prayed to the Lord in behalf of his wife, because she was barren. The Lord answered his prayer and his wife Rebekah became pregnant.

It is a prayer made in behalf of other. Rebekah is Isaac's wife whom he loves truly. It was prayer spoken from the heart through faith. And the LordGod granted it. It is the words from God that assure how powerful prayer is even if the prayer was asked by other person.

As I was saying, people say pray for Paris, but others claim that it is indeed the world we need to pray. Oh yeah.. easy pissy japanessey!
(Hmm... I'm being sarcastic) What I do mean is how many percent of likers and sharers who actually did say a prayer for them? Or for Paris alone.. For real?

Well, my point is to encourage you to not just like, share and post. Spend some time to say a prayer from the heart. Do it out of love and compassion, and act for real because in God's name I assured not a prayer will be wasted. Imagine a trending million #Prayfortheworld or #PrayforParis turn into actions? No doubt, God will hear it. Miracles happen in the point of losing hope and Prayer is often times who made it possible. Rather all the time. So let us keep on praying each and everyday even without hashtags.

Can start by simple prayer or whispering praises if others are praying. It is much better to be specific in your prayers. So, if you felt praying for your relatives or certain person, do it. In that way all of us will be able to pray each and everyone, especially those who needed it the most. And not actually repeating other people's prayers.

Though there's nothing wrong with it. By personal prayer we will be able to ask God what is needed particularly which we should be doing because as God said; 'Ask and it'll be given'. No doubt! regardless of the no. of people who prayed it, God will answered it as long as you pray from the heart- and you trust and believe that it'll happen.

The Power of Prayer: Faith allows impossible things to happen. It's the power that comes from a trusting heart. And when a trusting heart believes... Miracles happen.

A good thing that this tragic incedent brings to me is to pray more and expand my prayers, because it can reach even the outer space bec. honestly I didn't do it for the longest time. I usually pray for myself and my family. And now I'm praying that God will continue to give me heart that cares to pray for me and for others as well wholeheartedly. Amen!


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