Day dreaming

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I cant stop myself living in dreams.
I practically spent hours and hours in dreamland,
where I can be everything I'm not.
And I did everything I never do.


But at the end of the day
it was just a dream.
I need to wake up and live in real world.

But frankly, I cannot function anymore in reality.

Do I still have a backbone?
Probably, I left it there in dreamland.
I can't find my purpose
in life. It's driving me insane.

As they say...
"Drive carefully to save lives."


And you don't need to have a license to save your life.
Or undergo some driving lessons. All you need to do is to aim for a purpose driven life. What drives you? Find it.


Follow the *signs & never be against the *law, while driving in a *road. And when *crossroad appears;  remember that you can still use your *feet and ask for right *direction.




-God's warning
-God's commandments
-tough life
-walk by faith
-God's way

10.18.15 AudreyB.

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