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Consistency, that's what I want. I wanna wake up today just like how I woke up yesterday;

I have Hope,
I have Faith and
I'm inlove no matter what life brings today.

Oh how I wish I could be the same me yesterday and today. But I doubt it because no one can ever be consistent. Nobody can. It's like you tryin to do the old same routine perfectly unless people are wrong with what they believed in that --- Change is inevitable... nobody's made to be the perfect.

Flaws were part of our lives. And so was change; our feelings, emotions, hunger, passions even our energy, vibes, and aura etc...
it will eventually change today and tomorrow.
But at the end of the day

when I inhale and exhale
I can still be grateful very
that I am breathing consistently.
And the last time I checked, my heart is also beating normally,

and that's what matters most for as long as you breathe there will always be a room for you not for consistency but rather for progression- a road to success that brings the very best in us that makes difference, so much far from consistency where most mediocre settled and considered it as hobby.

We need to consistently search for something that spice up or bring out our usual day into exrtraordinary that made others fell inlove in History.

Inspired by the movie; 500 days of Summer.

Tom: I need consistency,I need to know that your not gonna wake up in the morning and feel differently.
Summer: I can't give you that, nobody can.

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