Eyes on Jesus

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Be peaceful.
Believe in God and yourself.
You are doing better than you think you are.
- Jeffrey Holland

Our human nature hindered us to do the rigth thing. Embracing our imperfections instead of working on it will never make you a champion.

The reason we always end up being a loser again and again is because we lose our focus.

Just think about an athlete.
Any athlete who received a golden medal truly deserves it. They had set their minds into winning and strive hard to achieve it, so in the end they reap what they sow.

FOCUS is one thing that they surely posses in order to achieve that goal.

Hebrews 12:2
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and the perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

It is hard to focus especially when our mind and body tell us go back in our old ways- (ways that are easy and fun) That is why God is reminding us to run with perseverance and fix our eyes on Him. Throw out every sin and habits that hindered us to go near Him.

Focus and fix your eyes on Him especially on the times that God scolded you. Remind yourself how great the pain he suffered all because of you. You haven't even felt half of the pain he endured physically so you can be with him in spirit.

Our struggles to keep our life holy and pleasing in the eyes of the Lord will produce great reward in his Kingdom.

Focus even when you felt broken.
Focus in the time you are blessed as well as the time you are broke.
Focus when the storm is coming or when the rainbow appears.

God says, "hear me out!"
I am your goodmorning.
And I am your goodnight.
I am your okay.
And I am your I can.
I am your calmness in midst of anger.
And your forgiveness when you're still hurting.
I am your no when temptation knocks.
And I am your yes when you're doubting your strength.
I am your perseverance when you're feeling tired.
And I am your wisdom in times of confusion.
I am your holiness.
And in my kingdom
You are welcome!

Hebrews 12:14
Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.

Never be confused when the Lord God speaks.
Sept. 14, 2016

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