Hindrances p.3

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Another notable character in the Bible who almost, keyword almost disobey God is Moses. What could have had happened if he did actually disobey. Who will save Israelites from Egyptians? We know for a fact that Moses could have chosen that because we all have freewill.

Now, what caused Moses to almost disobey God? It was because of his inequities.

.... Lord I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.

If you know the life story of Moses. You would agreed that God's favor was upon Moses ever since he was born, but only when Moses was 80 years old when God spoke to him and chose him to be the one who would bring israelites out of Egypt. From then on God abides on Moses until his death at the age of 120 years old still having a good eyesight and strength.

As you noticed, it took 80 years before God talked to Moses. Some Christians are like Moses and as I have noticed, sometimes those who was born christians are more stubborn compare to a new believers when it comes to obeying God fully. Their hunger to know God ignite them to be the Christians in action and not just be a commoner in a church.

One of the reasons that some Christians are controlled by their inequities is their wrong beliefs towards God.

Church service becomes like a task since they were born christians.

Christians who's having a hard time growing
are usually more attentive to the things they  can't do rather than what they can do.

They'd become contented in just being a church's goers rather than church's workers.  And settled on being a sunday christian only.

They let their fears drive them rather than their faith. Their stubborn heart prolonged the plans that could have happened to them a long time ago. But once you belong to God, it will be impossible to separate from Him. All you have to do is be like Moses; obey and follow Him despite your age or situation, and just like what happened to Moses, you'll see that there's nothing really to be afraid of.

I just hope that before you realise that, it wasn't too late already.

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