Hindrances p.2

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Another character in the Bible who's having a hard time following God is Jonah son of Amittai.

What hinders Jonah to fully obey God? It was because of his self-centeredness and ill-tempered attitude.

If you study the book of Jonah, you'll see from the start that Jonah doesn't want to obey God. That was why he fled from God by bourding in a ship. When the storm appeared in the sea. He knew that the solution to calm the storm was for him to be thrown into the sea. But he didn't volunteer himself instead he allowed the people in the ship to decide. Those people plead to the Lord to forgive them for what they are about to do to Jonah.

Inside the belly of the big fish, Jonah prayed but his prayer was full of pride. He used 'I' many times. In Jonah 2:8 when my life is ebbing away, I remembered you, Lord, and my prayer rose to you, to your Holy temple. ---Do you think that was really the case?

When Jonah finally preached to Nineveh. Those people repented and God redeemed them from supposed destruction. God showed compassion towards them, but Jonah's not happy with it. it only shows how self-centered he is and ill-tempered against these sinners. He believe in God and His power and yet it's so easy for him to back out and murmured when things didn't happen the way he liked. He's a murmerer and always think of himself.

He knew all along that God will forgive these ninevites, and he thought that all of his efforts and miseries would be put into waste. He grumbled against God. And get mad to the point that he wanted to die because of the sufferings he experienced all because of these wicked people that God still forgave in the end.

Most Christians nowadays are like that. Even I myself can admit that I'd become liked that. Our involvement in churches becomes like a contract that after we accomplished good, we assume for a reward that we think we only deserve. We become selfish --- thinking only on our own growth and become vicious towards wayward Christians.

And since we're doing our tasks in our churches. We think that we must be exempted to life problems. And when problems do appear, we blame God and wish to die instead. Some Christians are like that, this is one of the reasons why instead of growing, maturing in Christ's churches, they shrink, backslide and backstab God.

Ask yourself if this is what you are now that keeps holding you back to fully obey God. Are you one of the Christians who think they are good that is why you are blessed? God is good and gracious that is WHY we received blessings. If you truly trust the Omnipotent God, why do we grumble? Why do we need to be so selfish? I think, the word christian and selfish should never be on the same phrase.


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