How do we pray?

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How do you pray?

Do you only pray if you
really WANT something?   


You really NEED something?

Most of you will say both. But what if  you both don't need it because you are truly BLESS ALREADY: You have what you need and You have what you want. Do you still have to pray?

And if you do then, is it as strong as the prayers you did whenever you pray for something you really need or want? Or is it just a memorized prayers?

To pray means to speak to God especially in order to GIVE THANKS or to ASK FOR SOMETHING. And it is through prayer we can be able to keep our relationship with God in progress.

Most married couples said that the key to have a successful marriage is communication. It is also the same with our relationship with God -- the only way we can communicate with Him is through prayer.

When I was a child, in our every night's prayer gathering. Saying thank you to every thing God has given everyday is a must; provision, good health, blessings etc..

I have to think of every single thing I can be grateful for EVERY day and it was intense. I even remembered saying thank you for trivial things such as  being able to watch my favorite cartoon series.

It was  very normal prayers for an eight year old child.

But now as an adult, I only pray harder when I need something and I need Him. And saying grace was often forgotten.

When life is good, we intend to pray less and others might even don't know how to pray at all. We gradually lost our time to communicate with God and one moment you'll see yourself being totally disconnected with Him.

It is only through prayer that we can encounter God's presence closely.  So if God seems distant, remember what you had done with your time recently. Is He included in your schedule everyday? Or Sunday is the only day you have for Him?

Like married or dating couple, you cannot expect that relationship will grow if they haven't got time for each other. If you haven't got time to pray to God, you aren't really growing (in your christian life). And if suddenly all of blessings are gone and felt like God is nowhere. No! Not really. You just feel it now but actually YOU have been disconnected from Him for a long time and it's time to keep your feet back on the ground.

Phil. 2:9
Your Pain had purpose.

Psalm 61:2
When my heart is overwhelmed,
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.


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