Mustard seed 🌱

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When you want to become a Christian, all you have to do is repent and accept Christ as Lord and Savior.  It seems very easy, right? But to continue the journey was never easy for the world will keep on reminding you that you CAN'T that you're NOT ABLE. That God is way too far to reach. 

Your life is an everyday struggle between the new you and the old. The gift of the  spirit and the  human nature.

Thou, the Bible says that once you accepted Christ, you are now a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come. Becoming new is a continues journey that you have to walk unto each and every day until the day that the transformation would reached its fullness -- It is no longer I that lives but Christ in me --.

While the word reveals that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength, the world on the other hand keep on making us feel that this is in fact not an easy journey .

And very often, you will be experiencing challenges that will try (keyword; TRY) to make things fall apart but if you have faith as small as mustard seed - rooted in a very strong relationship with Jesus and nourished by God's word with your perseverance  daily  then who could make you fall.

Sometime when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place. - ?

Unless you would realized how was it to fully let go and let God, you will never have a mustard seed faith.

Letting go does not mean letting God doing all the works but rather working obediently all for the glory of God. To obey is a greatest sacrifice, but an even greatest reward awaits you thereafter.

A mustard seed  happilly fulfills its purpose which is to grow stronger as a tree. And so is your faith, it will continue to grow even stronger until your life becomes  storm-proofed just like a mustard seed transformed into tree that could not be swayed by anykinds of weather or season.

Unless you would dare to finally take that first step to obedience, you will never be a mustard seed that can command the mountain to move from here to there.

It would not be an easy journey, the world says so. But it wouldn't be that hard for you not to surpass. After all,  The battle is won, says God. 

READ MATT. 17:13-20


Simple RemindersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora