Brand New Year 2018

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Jan. 1; 1st day of 365 days of 2018.
This day brings courage, confidence and strength to  start the year full of hopes and dreams, because brand new year means NEW beginning, NEW chapter, NEW perspectives, NEW opportunities, NEW life goals, NEW experiences, NEW achievements,

It is also the time to reflect all the things you had done last year and start making changes and resolutions.
Leaving the past behind and start something fresh. There's no better way to start New Year but to think positive.

But you cannot expect this year to be rainbows and unicorns only. NEW problems, NEW challenges, NEW pain, NEW heartaches, NEW troubles etc will also arise.

But above all these new things, there is one thing that never changes ever and that is our Father in heaven.

No matter how many years, generation and era had passed; our God is all the same.  the God you knew yesterday is still the same today and will be the same God tomorrow. He holds the UNIVERSE in His hands.

In His word, the world begun and in His word, it will end.
He’s the past and the future; the one who planned the day of your birth and the day of your death.
He’s the God of all circumstances; your savior, your provider, your healer, your Father, your friend, your mentor, the one God who gave His only Son because He loves you just the way He loves His son. 
He is and will be with you in every step you make. He is in control and the only way to prove it, is for Him to put you in a situation that you cannot control.
He is your courage and your strength.
Let His never-changing words be your only guide as you hope, trust and aim for #thebestyearof2018.

Each day, be serious in making effort to know God’s thoughts and yearn for His wisdom, talk less and work more and be progressive. Be kinder as well. 4 days had already passed and those days are now part if the past and will never come back.  Make now be your Jan 1. It was never too late to start afresh. In God, everyday is a new beginning. -  Audrey

Zechariah 9:12
I am Prisoner of hope.

Romans 4:21
And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, He was able also to perform.


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