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What hinders you to follow Jesus?
What's blocking your way to obey the heavenly Father?
Why is it so hard for you to hear that voice inside you?

I'm asking YOU. You who had heard and knew WHO GOD IS. You whom people called CHRISTIAN.

It can be due to your stubbornness
As a child. A rebellion? as a teenager.
It can be due to busyness in  LIFE?
-- in your school? Work? Both?
It can be due to your YOLO kind of thing like your bucket list.
It can be due to your hobbies? Passion? Talents? That you love to do.
All day and maybe night long.
It can be because of your family and the things you NEED to do for them.
It can be because of your current situation. Hard. Enough. Life.

And many more reasons/excuses
to mention.

I really can't write them one by one.
Because the list goes on forever.

But as I asked these questions to myself. God led me to these people in the Bible. Firstly, to these 2 pioneers in earth. The persons whom we couldn't help but blame why life becomes so hard.

Adam and Eve.
What hinders them to follow that very simple instruction from God: Do not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden.

The Answer is deception & greed.

Genesis 3:6
The woman saw that the fruit was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate eat.

As you noticed, The word 'saw' the woman saw... meaning Satan uses our eyes to deceive us. Our greed comes from what we saw.

Today, people crave for something they couldn't have but others can.
Be something they could never be but others do. 

We envied these people. This feeling is what Satan used to deceive us. We do everything we can in our power to achieve those things (sometimes) even to the point that involves wrong doings. And forget about spending time with God or obeying His will. And if we succeeded on gaining these on our own power and strength, we desire for more, and completely ignored God thinking that we don't need Him anymore. 'I can do this by myself' thought, that you just delete God in your life.

Despite having everything. Eve and Adam desire for more. And listen to the serpent which represents Satan. Satan used their greediness to deceive them. That one simple commandment turns into hundred or more that are surely not simple. After all, Adam and Eve and the rest of us now knew about evil and good, and sadly evil is what our flesh craving for naturally.

Ask yourself and examine your heart if what your trying to accomplish is for your growth either financially or personally or is it out of greediness already and Satan has been deceiving you all these time. Are you still fulfilling your purpose in Christ's? Or you are busy living life.

To be continued...

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