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Comparison makes us wanna rush.
It sometimes makes us ungrateful.

— It made me forget how God has been
so good to me. —

It sometimes made us feel jealous and blind.
When we see something in social media or real life  that are far different from our situation, we can't help but compare and sometimes  blame God for all these unfairness.

"Oh How I wish I can be as beautiful as her"
"As smart as him". As rich as them."
"How lucky she is to be in that place".

And there are times, we think ill against these people, saying; nothing lasts forever, karma will come...

It's like being happy and fortunate is such a bad thing. All these thoughts and ill feelings happened because we started to compare.

We forgot that God's provision is always enough in everyday.
We forgot that everything comes in the right time through grace.
We forgot to be joyful for others' success,
and most especially we forgot our very own winning stories. Our very own blessings.

It might not be as grand as others but it will always ours to tell, ours to share and ours to remember; a proof of never ending God's grace and love - our living testimony.

Truth is, recently I felt like I'm always left behind. But I believe, I may not feel it right now but I know that I'm growing, not in the same way other people were able to. I'm growing in my own time and in my own pace.  But I did and still do. Life is not a race. I'm just gonna keep moving on, Continuing without knowing. 🍂

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