I, my spirit wanted

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I once have been slaved
of my own flesh.
I once have been lost,
But now found in God's rest.
Myself who's nothing but a dust is now breathing(living),
holding my father's promises.

I want to open the gates of heaven...
shared the joy i had imagined in Garden of Eden.
Joy that was taken a long time ago.
But through the birth of Christ, gracefully flowing in the heart of everyone,
including yours who continually failing the anointed one.

Yearn, for what your spirit is yearning.
Be, for what within you wants you to be,
And let your mouth speaks;
"I want to be what Christ Jesus wants me to be".
So help me God.

The things you are passionate about are not ramdom, they are your calling.
-Fabienne Fredrickson

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