Never on a diet

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How to treat God's word?

God's Word is our daily bread. Our food for every day living. It's definitely not a buffet nor an eat all you can food- because you want to get and tasted everything, you just ate them all up.

It needs chewing- meditating each passage and earned learnings from them. It is the only food I know that provides all the nutrients I need for everyday. As I chew and yearn for more I get stronger but never get fat.

Psalm 119:15
(David's desire) I will meditate on your precepts and contemplate your ways.

It's not a diet pill nor a diet food. Once you tasted it, you'll surely ask for more and never be on a diet anymore.

Psalm 63:1
My soul thirsts for you
My flesh longs for you.

Life transformation starts by reading, meditating and living in God's word.

Daily Bread,
Devotion for today.


Simple RemindersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora