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"Papa! Papa!" The cries of your daughter, Ella, were getting louder as she begged for her father. You woke to the cries but your clueless husband remained clung to your body in a deep slumber.

"Bill ..." you groaned, nudging his head off your chest in a tempt to wake him. He mumbled but you weren't convinced he was awake.

"God sake" you sighed, already lacking sleep. You pulled the weary man off you and ran to your daughters room. She was curled into a bawl under the covers, weeping.

"Shhh shhh," You soothed her, removing the sheets off her mousy coloured locks. "Mama's here" you pressed a kiss into her temple, embracing her into a cuddle.

"Papa.." she whined in a shaky voice into your pyjamas, leaving wet marks on them from her tears.

"Cmon baby, should we see Papa?"

Bill and you wanted to carry on the Swedish 'tradition' of being called Mama and Papa, it was sweet.

Ella nodded and gave you a weak smile but tears kept flowing, she clearly needed her father.

You carried your small baby into your own room to see Bill half awake, slumped against the headboard, curious to where you went. His eyes squinted at the light entering the room from the hall way. He opened his arms to let his daughter in as soon as he acknowledged the situation.

"Awe, my beautiful baby," Bill cooed as he ran his large finger through her curls, she clung onto his bare skin.

Ella responded in sniffles as her cries were no more. You slipped in bed beside your family and laid to go back to sleep.

"Cmon, sleepy times Ell" Bill told her in a fatherly voice as he placed her between you both and laid beside her. Bill began to spoon you both, arm just touching your waist as he cuddled into you two.

"Goodnight my beautiful girls" he mumbled, pulling into a sleep.

"I love you Mama" Ella giggled into your ear. " I love you babe" you responded kissing her forehead once more.

"I love you Papa"

"I love you too, I love you both" Bill replied, sighing comfortably.

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