Goodbye Kiss

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After collecting all your things: keys, purse, all your little bits and bobs, you grabbed your camel trench coat from the rack upon the wall. Sliding your arms in, you faced towards Bill who was rubbing his soft cheeks, attempting to wake himself from the shared nap you two endured a few minutes ago.

"I don't want you to leave.. sleep over." Bill whined, handing you your scarf that you left draped over the leather chair.

You gave a small smile in thanks and raised your brows, "you know I can't, I have to visit my father in the morning" you told him quite sternly, wrapping the fabric around your neck.

He sighed heavily like a child that was throwing a tantrum. "But Y/N.. I need your cuddles." Bill threw his arms out and made grabby hands in the space that was separating you two.

Rolling your eyes from the doormat, you stepped closer into his embrace earning a tight yet softening cuddle from your boyfriend. Bill inhaled the scent from your coat and hummed at the alluring, sweet smell of your perfume.

You pulled away and placed a delicate kiss on his lower cheek, "I need to go now" you told him again, turning once more to head towards the exit with your petite black bag.

"Y/N" he called in an alerting tone and widened eyes causing you to stop in your tracks and leave your palm on the handle of the door.

"What is it Billy?" You giggled softly as his childish ways. You faced him, viewing his gorgeous pouty face.

"At least give me a proper goodbye kiss." Bill sulked, folding his arms as if a toddler again.

"Mmm I don't know" you teased, rubbing your chin jokingly. He grunted conveying his aggravation. Bill lunged closer to you so he was inches away from your face. "Please" he begged in whisper, rested his forehead against yours.

You mumbled slightly before placing a gentle touch on his sharp jawline and pulled even closer as you pressed a short yet passionate kiss on his plump lips.

Bill hummed into the kiss, pleading for more and more. His grasp on your hips clenched, needing your love and attention but you pulled away. "Goodnight bub," you chuckled softly.

Bill's satisfied grin grew, "Call me when you get in," he beamed, letting go of your waist. "Will do, love you" you replied, smirking at his adorable ways and you came in contact with the door knob. "I love you, princess"

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora