Too Tired for TV

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As soon as you got in from work, you ran upstairs for a hot bath and quickly changed into some fuzzy pyjamas. All comfy and set, you made your way downstairs to enjoy a movie night with your boyfriend, Bill.

You entered the dimmed room, and couldn't hear anything but the television. You made your way towards the sofa to see Bill with his head laid back, arms crossed and snoring. He was fast asleep and sleeping quite happily. A small smile rested upon his face.

Usually, you'd jump on him and wake him but something was different. He looked so peaceful and calm, his beauty shining through. You laid next to him, leaning on him. You lifted an arm and wrapped it over yourself. You then pulled a fluffy blanket and draped it over the two bodies. Bill mumbled to himself, in his sleep, so your movement came even slower and careful.

Gingerly, you lowered the television sound and snuggled into his relaxed long body. "Y/N..?" He made out, still half asleep and eyes shut. "mmm?" You looked up to his beautiful face. "I-Im sorry, it's meant to be movie night bu-" he mumbled. "Shhh Babe, go back to sleep. As long as you're here" you kissed his hand that draped over you. He smiled to himself and continued his slumber.

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now