Protective Papa

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"Ella, baby, tell Papa what you told me on drive home from nursery/kindergarten" you told her in a baby voice, brushing her hair from her face as Bill stood behind you.

"Nooooo" she giggled, hiding her face.

"C'mon Ell, no hiding. Tell papa." You told her again, laughing too and removing her petite hands from her face.

Her weirdly toothed grin appeared causing both parents hearts to melt. "I have a boyfriend" Ella giggled in embarrassment.

Bill's eyes widened, "you have a What?"

You laughed at his expression and began to play with your daughters hair, "Baby Ella has a boyfriend, Papa." You told him teasingly, knowing just how he would react.

He leaned towards his baby girl and looked at her sternly but not enough to scare her, just playfully.

"You don't have a boyfriend." He rejected her statement.

"I do! I do! His name is Callum!" Ella told her father, giggling sweetly.

"Nope" he still was stubborn, popping the 'p'

"Me and Callum kiss. Mwa mwa." Ella boasted causing you to erupt in laughter and Bill's face to redden, cracking an amused smile. That's your baby girl.

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