Anonymous Serenade

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You stood on the stage in the local bar. Your beautiful voice singing "Kissing A Fool - George Michael" was slightly drowned out by the chatting and yelling of drunk men. This was your everyday usual but you got paid so how could you complain.

The room was barely lit and was a dimmed red colour. Cigarette smoke filled the air and the smell alcohol intoxicated the room. You just stood, a bit emotionless but putting enough effort into the song.

Your eyes scanned the room, the same customers passed through and sat with their friends, the same old drunk men.
Then, something or should I say someone caught your eye. A young man sat amongst elder man, a lot cigarette dangling between his lips. He grabbed for the pint in front of him as you watched. You couldn't take your eyes off the stranger, he looked like a angel, hidden in the shadows.

His green eyes switched to you in sudden seconds, forcing you to look away somewhere else into the crowd, nervously.

After your song, you walked off the stage and made your way outside the bar/pub. As soon as that cold air hit you, a cigarette was lit. You inhaled as you stood against the brick wall, hiding in shelter from the rain. You stood there alone, in the cold until you felt a towering presence. You turned, exhaling the smoke to be met by the smiling young man from the crowd.

"I saw you on stage tonight. You and your voice are just beautiful" he reached out his hand. That thick accent made you swoon. "Y/N" you blushed, shaking his hand. "Bill" he replied, winking.

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now