Insecure Actor

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(Thanks BillyBoySkargard for requesting this!! Hope you enjoy, and sorry if there is any spelling mistakes!!❤️)

The way his palms caressed her rosy cheeks and brushed against some loose strands of hair that hovered over his face killed Bill inside. A deep pit of jealously raged within his stomach as he watched his girlfriend of 4 years and another actor make false 'love'.

Bill insisted it was okay and 100% fine with him - he even asked to tag along but watching her moving so gracefully back and forth over a semi-naked man made him bite his lip with envy. He began to deeply regret inviting himself to the movie set to watch his film star girlfriend hump another man.

"And cut!" The director yelled, causing Y/N's face to suddenly drop from the phoney blissful expression she wore, same with Dacre. She rolled over and sat up on the edge of the bed, as he ran ringed fingers through his brunette locks. "That's all we need for today... that's the part where the scene ends and then goes to just Y/N aaaaand.. Maggie. Okay?" The directer told them, holding a work tablet in one hand and a clipboard in the other. "Well done guys. Good job." He continued before turning to exit the room to work with the camera men.

"Good job, Y/N." Dacre congratulated her, watching her stand up in her fake"nude" outfit. "You too." She smiled in return before shooting a proud smile to her boyfriend who stood behind the cameras, slumped against a grey wall.

Hoping his expressions were bold with pride, she frowned to see Bill's face full of such displeasure and annoyance. He did not rush to run over to her nor congratulate her, he remained leaning his back against the wall, large ankle boot pressed against the paint, and fingers toying with his bottom lip. A natural habit when he was frustrated and aggravated.

Before Y/N could question his behaviour, she was whisked away by make up and clothing crew to be changed into her everyday clothing despite being sure she could do it very fine herself.

After a good half an hour or so, Y/N sighed when unlocking the door of her dressing room and exited to see Bill standing with the same posture, in the same childish pose but in the white hall way. "Home-time!" She beamed, waving her hands hoping his mood would automatically drop from her enthusiasm but her attempt failed. Bill turned to make long steps out the hallway and to exit the building, Y/N followed behind saying small goodbyes to her co-stars and the crew members.

She was longing for late night cuddles and smooches with her other half after a hard day at work but she just knew by the way Bill was acting her wish were not going to be granted, not without a fight anyways.

Now strapped safely into Bill's Range Rover, she awaited for Bill to enter. Bill slammed the black door once sat, causing her to jump slightly. What did she do? Oh no, did she do anything to upset Bill? No. She mustn't of, she couldn't of. What was it? Was it the sex scene? It can't be... surely not.

Suddenly it hit her as Bill started the ignition and pulled out of his driving spot. Flashbacks of Bill's envious expression appeared in Y/N's mind when she mentioned Dacre Montgomery was going to be her love interest in her new up coming movie. "Dacre? The one you like?" She remember Bill sneering, she nodded with excitement, blind to his reaction until now.

Shit, he is jealous!

The drive was silent until Y/N couldn't fight the urge to speak up any longer. "Bill.. what's up?" She groaned and rolled her eyes, already knowing his response and how many times she had to reassure him of her love.

"I don't know, Y/N. What is up?" Bill grunted, eyes locked on the road. "Dacres penis seemed to be up when you were dry-humping him!"

She sniggered at how pathetic he was acting. "Are you being serious?" Y/N asked, continuing to be petty.

"Yes. Yes I fucking am!" Bill shouted, making her shoulders jolt slightly.

"The fuck, Bill?! It's a movie! It's fake! Not real!" Y/N hissed, fully facing him in her leather seat.

"I don't care!" He retorted back, Y/N had no reply. Simply out of words. What else could she say?

She huffed after his statement and turned away to face the window, watching the faceless people on the streets whiz by.

Immediate silence once again, awkward and tense silence.

Y/N watched out the fogged windows how Bill pulled up into a random empty car park. "Bill, I swear-". Y/N started with a hint of harshness within her voice. She turned in mid-sentence to be cut off with a now delicate voice. "I'm sorry."

Bill's facial expressions were no longer scrunched and harsh, much more soft and fragile now, conveying his sorrow. Y/N's face copies as she witnessed her other half appear so regretful and as if a lost pup.

"I'm sorry, Y/N.I-I just, I don't know. It seemed so real.. I guess I was jealous.." Bill uttered, rubbing her tiny hands within his own and eyes flickering from into Y/N's bright orbs to their intertwined hands.

"I don't know if that's a compliment" she joked, causing Bill to give her a weak smile. "But seriously Bill, it's okay. I'm sorry it bothered you, I wouldn't of made you come.." she circled her thumb on the rough part of the back of his hands.

"I wanted to go. I wanted to see my baby girl at work, doing what she does best, doing what she loves... I feel so stupid. It's not okay, love. I feel so stupid." Bill began to whimper, embarrassment filling his soul.

"Hey, Hey. Listen, I forgive you, baby. It's okay to be a little jealous but not over this, okay?" Y/N used her thumb to rub away a stray tear that fell from her boyfriends eyes. "I'm okay with your sec scenes on hemlock grove. As much as it did slightly irritate me, I knew it was fake and I know you love me. You just got to trust me..." Y/N whispered to comfort him.

Bill sniffles before replying, " I do. I do trust you.. and love you. More than you ever thought was possible" His glossy eyes with contact again with hers. This moment felt so blissful and pure. No matter how many times Bill had told her he loved her, her stomach always erupted with butterflies.

"Love you too. Let's get home, hm?" Y/N cooed, letting his hands fall back to the steering wheel when nodding with a satisfied smile. "Yeah, and cuddle." Bill mumbled, now relieved. "And cuddle" she repeated under her breath, grinning with love. Bill placed a hand on her knee, palm up, as another drove the car. Y/N happily obliged and locked her fingers with his, a right grip that no others could break.

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