Brothers Best Friend

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The ticking of the clock on the wall drove you crazy, you brother Ryan was bound to be home any minute. You weren't allowed to leave until he was home according to your mother. You'd think being the eldest that Ryan would carry more responsibility and come home on time but no - clearly not.

The front door unlocked indicating he was home. "Y/N?" His rough voice echoed. "Yep." You replied, watching the adverts on television, aimlessly.

You brother walked into the front room but you didn't really pay much attention until you saw another male enter behind  him.

"Y/N my friend Bill is sitting in here until I'm showered and ready". You tried not to pay attention to the large man that was now sat on the other sofa, legs crossed. He loved dangerously handsome and tall, you could feel yourself blush from his presence.

"Right Im going up, won't be long" Ryan told me before disappearing. "Okay" Bill responded. He only spoke one word and his voice was giving you butterflies.. he must be from a different country.. that accent.

Moments past and you were trying your hardest not to stare as he watched the screen with you, you just couldn't help yourself. He broke the silence.

"It's a good show" he murmured to you, gorgeous green eyes in your direction. You looked away as if no problem and stared into them eyes. "Erm yeah, I'm on season 2 already"

"Wow.. aha." He stood up and stood as if he would sit beside you, "You mind?"

"No. Not at all" you removed the bowl of  crisps/chips from the side and signalled for him to sit.

"So, your name is Y/N?"

"Mm, yeah." You became incredibly nervous being so close, he looked breath taking and he was only a few inches away.

"Such a pretty name" he smiled at you and you gave him a weak smile back.

"You are really beautiful, Y/N" he scooted closer, placing his large palm on your thigh making you jump slightly.

"Oh.. Erm" you stuttered becoming embarrassed and overwhelmed by the heat he was giving you.

"Oh Y/N I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to- oh Fuck. Sorry." He scrambled a distance away from you, worried you felt uncomfortable or he came off weird.

"No, no. Bill it's okay. I just- I don't know. But thank you" you blushed, holding onto his hand, pulling him back to his spot.

He gave you a warming smile, getting comfortable smile. "I'm sorry if this is weird but I've been round before.. I don't think you noticed me but I definitely noticed how beautiful you are.."

"And before I was over.. you were drunk and you kissed me.." he told you quite nervously, messing around with your fingers.

You gasped at the memory, now all coming back. That's where you'd seen him from.

"Bill I am so sorry. God sake, I must of been a mess, I didn't mean to kiss you. Does Ryan know?"

"No, I didn't tell him.." Bill's light eyes were digging into yours with lust. "Why?" You asked curiously, beginning to get lost in them.

"I was wondering if you'd kiss me again..." he mumbled quite confidently, grip tightening on your hand, your eyes widened at the thought but you definitely wanted to.

"I won't tell Ryan.. I promise. You only have to do it one more time" he assured you, he seemed to sweet and caring, it was amazing.

You free hand grasped his cheek as you pulled him in. Your lips met with his plump ones and they mixed perfectly. Bill began to lick your lips, for entrance which you granted. Your tongues danced together in harmony, enjoying the kissing session.

You heard footsteps from your brother down the stairs causing you both to pull away and slump back on the sofa as if nothing happened.

As Ryan entered you stood up which made Bill's heart rate race at the thought of you snitching. "I Better get going, Ry. Emily is waiting for me"

Bill sighed in relief, causing you to have a secret chuckle. "Alright Y/N. Have fun" Ryan sat in your seat when you pulled your coat on and boots.

You watched Bill from the hall wall, he was watching you too. He shot you a wink and mouthed 'thank you'.

You blew him a kiss, Bill sniggered. "What's funny?" Ryan asked Bill, "oh nothing"


You opened the door and was about to leave, "see you Y/N" Ryan called.

"Yeah, Ill see you later, Y/N" Bill shouted too in a flirtatious tone earning a nudge from your brother.

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon