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I'm so sorry this is crap but I felt like I needed to update.. I have a few as drafts so I will have to get onto them very soon! Thank you for being patient!

Bill's grip on your hand tightened under the wooden garden table you were both sat at,as well as a few of your family members.

Your fiancé nodded as your aunt quizzed him on his career, just out of curiosity. "Erm, yeah. It can be difficult being away but.. uh, I enjoy it and I love coming home to Y/N. Couldn't think of anything or anyone better to come home to..." he smiled trying to think of the perfect answer to impress your aunt and uncles on the table, without being too cringy.

Bill's response must of done the job because your aunt grabbed his free hand that rested on the surface of the table, and put her slightly wrinkled hands over his. "Lovely, dear. You really are a charmer." She beamed causing you to blush at the fact every one of your family members adored or at least appreciated your relationship with Bill and Bill overall.

Lost in the barbecue meat, fresh veg and deep family conversations you failed to realise Bill had some how slipped out of his position at the table.

"Where's Bill, love?" Your mother asked, scuttling over to the table you were at with a metal tray of hotdogs and placing them on the table, ready for your family to dig in to.

Your brows furrowed as you gripped onto the sides of your chair and scanned the large garden. "Erm.. I don't really know..." you replied slightly confused. "Maybe the toilet.. I didn't even-didn't even realise." You slightly chuckled, a bit embarrassed at all the attention on you.

Your confusion was disturbed when a cousin age of 5 called his mother, your aunt. "Mumma! Look, look!"

On the grass sat Bill in his now slightly green tinged denim jeans and summer blue shirt. The boy was stood in front of him with a Superman action figure, it 'flying' in front of Bill's glee riddled face.

You grinned as you saw Bill had a Batman figure In his large hands which belittled the dolly instantly.

"Awe, Ben. Is that your new friend?" His mother cooed, amazed her son actually opened up to a stranger. She was watching adoration as you were too.

Bill was perfect. Watching from the table and from a slight distance, you realised Bill was definitely the man you wanted to marry. Witnessing such happiness and comfort around your family made your heart flutter with love and pride. The little boy laughed and so did Bill as they thrusted their action figures in the air, as if they had known each other for a while, as if Bill was family.

"He's the one." Your mother spoke in her apron , from behind you. Her ringed fingers rubbed at your bare left shoulder as you smiled watching your future husband.

Question: Are all of yous wanting to get married and have a family in the future? How do you see your life happening cause I have honestly no idea about my future😂💞

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