When She Loved Me

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Bill's Diary (teenager)

When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful. Every hour we spent together lives within my heart.

When she was sad, I was there to comfort her and dry her tears. Memories of us two teens cuddling in the sand as it grew darker, as she wept will always keep in my mind.

She always looked after me too, despite my anger and rage her angelic voice and touch would soothe me, she'd cradle me as if a baby even though she was so small compared to me.

Through the summer we ran through endless fields, hand in hand. Her smile never left her face, damn it was a breath taking smile. I can imagine her sat in that ran down barn, laying in the hay and laughing hysterically at me falling into a pile. Still hear her chuckles when she'd remove small bits of the hay from my hair and clothing.

Endless nights we'd cuddle under my sheets with just a torch as if children. She would tell me endless stories of her past, always drawing me in. She never failed to amaze me.

Her lips were so soft, irresistible, so kissable. I always still do crave the touch of them on my skin and on my own. She'd speak such nice words, never hurtful.

The amount of days I told I loved her, earning a gorgeous smile in return. I believed it was true love still I waited for the day she'd say "I will always love you"

She stopped calling, forgot about those midnight calls. She didn't reply to many texts. Lonely and forgotten. I hoped to see her around town but she'd never look my way.

One last time she gave me that gorgeous smile that made my stomach erupt with butterflies, she held me returning me to the memories of late night cuddles, just like she used to do -like she loved me.

I don't hear her name anymore, don't see her face. Only in my mind, memories and dreams, when she loved me.

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now