Work Hard

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You came home from work to go to see your husband, freshly returned from work too, in his study.

His eyes were fixated on his computer screen, fingers rapidly typing away. Bill looked extremely tired yet he was whizzing away with a stern look smeared across his face.

You rested your bag beside his study door and walked behind his desk, behind him.

"You okay, baby?" You questioned, you went to place a kiss on his cheek but he mumbled and moved away from your kiss.

You stood back quite disappointed. You furrowed your brows, "what's up?" You questioned before rubbing his shoulders, massaging them shoulders that were dressed in purple work shirt.

He shrugged you off, "Fuck off Y/N! You're putting me off, nagging all the time." He snapped, turning to look at you with piercing eyes.

You jumped back a bit in shock, with a hurt expression.

You didn't say anything but he started again, "every single day! Just go away!" His jaw clenched.

Your rage started to fill up, you needed to fight for yourself. You weren't going to be 'that powerless wife'.

"No Bill! I work just as much as you yet you think it's okay to treat me like shit! I work as many hours, just as hard and try to be a loving wife. Why can't you just respect me?" You hissed, pointing fingers.

He stood up from his chair, immediately towering your height. "Shut your mouth! Shut your dirty fucking mouth. I don't know how you dare talk about respect" he barked, clenching his fists.

"Oh. Because you just are a loving respectful husband. You were Bill. Were." You retorted.

"Shut up!" Bill scolded, walking closer but you didn't back down.

"Or what?" You replied.

He got inches away, "or-or" he mumbled, not knowing what to say.

Your facial expression softened along with his as he pressed his sweaty forehead against yours.

He took a deep breath and exhaled to release anger. It was clear he was sorry for shouting, full of regret.

Bill intertwined his fingers with yours, lacing them perfectly. He closed his eyes for quite a long time, reflecting with shaky breaths leaving you quite relaxed.

He opened his eyes to look at you, diving into your irises. "Im sorry Y/N. I'm sorry for shouting, raising my voice. I'm sorry for being a terrible husband."

"No no. You're not a terrible husband, I just said it out of anger. You're amazing" you reassured him nuzzling into his neck.

"No, babe, I know. I know what I'm like now. I promise you I will be more loving and we can spend time together now. I'm sorry, I love you with all my heart."

You soon heard small sobs from him, causing your heart to ache. "Awe Bill baby don't cry. I love you so much." You cuddled into him.

You two stood randomly in the study-room, wrapped into each other's embrace in silence for a while.

"Cmon lets go to bed and cuddle" you asked in a soothing voice before kissing his jawline. "Cmon"

He nodded, lifting your chin and pecking your plump lips. "I love your cuddles" he told you, following behind you, hands still joined as you walked up to the room.

"I know you do, babe."

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now