New Years Kiss

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You stood in a large crowed looking most stunning in a tight dress and high heels.

You and your group of friends were celebrating New Years, you all decided to hit the town for a large night out and to start the new year pissed af, with a bang.

You danced to the most cheesiest, loudest of songs, swaying your hips and pulling funny moves with your friends.

Tonight the club was packed, not surprise since it was New Years, the more the merrier.

The night drew in and you noticed it came closer and closer to 12...

"Hey Y/N, you know what happens at twelve right?" Your friend slurred, grabbing onto your shoulder, "you have to have a New Years kiss"

You raised your brow and laughed, "not necessarily"

She scoffed and chucked at your reply, " Oh piss off babe, you have to! Start the year with a mystery man on the loose. You can't go kissing me again for second time in row."

You drew your hand to your heart, pretending to take that to offence "ouch" You hissed jokingly.

"Him. Over there, him" your friend looked over to a man at the bar. You weren't too sure where she was looking due to her drunk eyes googling everywhere but soon saw the man she meant.

He was tall, very tall. Tall and handsome. His face look sculptured by the gods, he looked like an angel but somehow a dark angel, mysterious dark and hot.

You admired his beauty and laughed a bit, "yeah right. That's going to happen isn't it." You scoffed sarcastically.

Your friend laughed at your response again and you two soon returned to dancing.

All your friends were scattered all over the club, you were left alone. You were quite drunk so you didn't mind, you were dancing with strangers and having a blast.

You felt a presence from behind and they gripped your waist. You turned around in shock to meet with the man from the bar. Man, he even looked better close up.

"Oh sorry" you apologised, thinking you two bumped or you were in his way.

"Why are you apologising, love?" He pulled a flirtatious smirk, towering over you.

"Uh-erm... not too sure. Too drunk" you giggled at yourself, then realising how embarrassing you were.

He chuckled at your awkwardness and grabbed your hand, "so I couldn't notice you looking at me at the bar. You are extremely beautiful."

His words made you blush, his confidence drove the butterflies in your stomach wild. It was probably because he was drunk himself, that's why he was so confident.

You two just stared at each other until you heard the crowd shout for the countdown.

'Shit. My New Years kiss. I need one' you thought to yourself. The mysterious man was in front of you, wondering of your thoughts.

Shit shit shit.

You panicked. You tip-toed and grabbed the man by his jaw, pulling him in and catching him off guard slightly. You were eager to pull him in for a passionate sweet peck that lasted a few seconds.

The crowd cheered and roared drunk slurs due the presence of a new year beginning. You pulled away and looked at him in a frantic shock.

"I am so sorry, I-I-" you rushed, shaking.

He looked at you with a heart warming smile, holding onto your cheeks now. He leant down and cut off your apologies with a much more loving, longer kiss.

You grabbed onto him, clinging with lust and returning the kiss. He soon pulled away leaving you astounded and amazed.

Your friend resurfaced and grabbed onto your arm, "that is so fuckin' cute," she slurred, "told you you could get him" before disappearing with her own man.

You laughed, grabbing onto Bill's hands as if a loving couple.

"I'm Bill" he introduced himself.
"Y/N" you returned, showing him a toothy smile.
"Beautiful name. I'd love to hear it more often" He winked before turning and walking into an emerging crowd.

Oh. My. God.

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now