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You were visiting some old friends you haven't seen a while: Eddy, Mark and Hannah. You were chilling, having a pizza or two, just having good fun.

Your fun time was interrupted by your phone ringing quite loudly in your pocket. You excused yourself and made your way to the kitchen when you saw it was your fiancé, Bill, calling.

"You okay Bill?" You asked, wondering why he called.
"Y/N where in hell are you?" He replied, sounding quite irritated.
"I told you I'm visiting Eddy Mark and Han" you rolled your eyes.
"So you're at Mark's then" the anger in his voice grew.
"For fucks sake Bill. Yes I am." You replied, now getting angered yourself.
"Come home now! I swear to god!" He snapped before hanging up.

You sighed and made your way back into the room. "Guys I'm so sorry, I have to go." Collecting your stuff, Hannah asked "why are you goin', Y/N"

"Oh, erm.. something happened at home." The boys just looked at each other. "Oh okay, we will catch up another day?" You nodded before saying goodbyes and leaving.

As soon as you got home, an angry Bill was pacing in the front room. "What the fuck? I come home to the house empty and a shitty text. What happened to pizza with me?" he grumbled, angrily.

"Bill. It was only a short time and with a few friends. I told you fine well we will have alone time later tonight!" You quickly retorted, feeling rage build inside you.

"How dare you go, Y/N!! Don't even think about going to Mark's!! You know how I feel about him!" He was now screaming, throwing fists all over.

"How dare you tell me what to do! Bill, I'm you're fiancé but you do NOT own me. I'm a grown woman, I make my own decisions!" You yelled back, shaking.

Bill's face lowered, defeated. He was not expecting you to argue back... he felt guilty immediately.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I just missed you and wanted it to be our night." He sighed lowering his head.

You rolled your eyes, ignoring him. Bill sat on the sofa, slumping. His head now in his hands, nearly sobbing.

"'s okay. I understand. I'm sorry for yelling." You made your way to him, cuddling into him.

He wrapped his arms around you, embracing your small frame. "No, I'm sorry for shouting. I just got jealous" he admitted, mumbling into your neck.

You pulled his face up with your finger and kissed his plump lips. He gave you a weak smile decorated with his shimmering emerald eyes.

"How about that film and pizza?" You gave him a cheeky smirk, cuddling into his embrace.

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now