Best Friend (Roman)

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"You're being serious?" Your best friend, Roman, asked you sitting opposite from you in the café.

"Well yeah," you showed another photo of the man whom was taking you on a date tomorrow.

Roman scoffed, "he looks weird. He looks awful, Y/N, what are you thinking?"

"Well I find him cute, he isn't typically my type. Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean I don't either" you spoke much more sternly now causing Roman to raise a single brow and grab onto his glass much tighter.

"Fine." He huffed, taking a sip and earning a slightly sarcastic smile from you.

"How do I look?" You twirled in your off the shoulder, midi length body con dress that showed all your best aspects. Romans eyes appeared from behind his phone and glanced up at you, "like a whore.." he muttered, sounding very pissy.

"Oh fuck off Ro. Get out. Go away" you snapped. You expected him to be the most supportive but no, not even your best friend could give you love. Once again, he cocked a brow not realising you were serious.

"Roman, I mean it. Get out!" Your voice was now rising with anger. "Get out! Get out!" You screamed throwing books at him, as he stormed out the room only to sit in the living room.

You tried to calm your anger by continuing getting ready. Your phone beeped indicating your date was outside in his car, ready to pick you up. You scurried down the stairs to see Roman stood, watching the guy through the blinds of the window.

"I thought I told you to leave" you mumbled, keeping your rage concealed.

"You did." He retorted quite calm. He turned on his heel and grabbed your shoes for you. He placed them in your hands.

"Thanks" you gave him a weak smile, as you laced up your heels. "You look lovely, Y/N. You really do"

"Okay.." you needed to get out of the house as you felt the tension rise.

"Well- I got everything.. I think. I'll be off" you told him. As you were about to turn, Roman held a tight grip on your wrist and pulled you back. Before you could question him, his gorgeous pink pressed into your red ones, mixing them.  You didn't pull away, yet didn't quite add passion. It just blew you away, you were kissing your best friend, Roman Godfrey, and,man, he was setting off fireworks within your stomach.

He pulled away and stared longingly into your eyes, begging for your response. "I-I need to go on this date..." you told him quite awkwardly.

"I know you do.."

"Be here when I get back" you commanded him before leaving for your meal with 'whoever'.

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